The last weeks have been hell my mother doswnt want me there. I pack some of my stuff and I’m leaving, I have around 40 dollars so I don’t know where is that going to take me.
I am trying to think of a strategy to support myself. I hope I can travel through out Europe these days. I need to make a living and find a place to sleeo. Any tips would be encouraged.
I’m currently at the Romanian border. I am in a good situation mentally and stable.
I don’t want to end like my father. I have no friends and my sister won’t help me
No money, no ID, no contacts, no home, no plan? What do you expect anyone to tell you. Go to a homeless shelter. Go somewhere there’s single people and try to find a friend to take you in. There’s not much you can do.
yeah maybe you should go to a homeless shelter, you also need to make sure you can always get your meds and keep up with your appointments with your dr/nurse etc
Homelessness is serious, and can ruin your life. It’s devastating.
Vital documents takes at least half a year to obtain. And you would need your mothers help anyways to get the birth certificate. If you don’t have a social security card, a physical original, then that’s even after you get your ID.
Your young, you don’t want to be on the street and sleep with strangers and digging through trash.
You would want to live in a normal society. The quality of life is much better in the manifest level than underground, mental illness person being homeless.