i didn’t get to spend the day with my partner since her mom is still mad at me for supposedly staring at her. whatever, anyway my partner got paid today and they didn’t take me with them. i felt left out but my partner said its best if i didn’t go since her mom was still mad and they did a lot of walking and my ankle still bothers me quite a bit. i cleaned the apartment and made my partner some ramen for her dinner before her nap. she is at work right now. on accident i left the porch light on and the kitchen light on after letting the dog out and cleaning the fake plants for my gecko. my father in law got shitty with me instead of asking me nicely to turn them off he got a huge attitude with me. they don’t even pay the electric bill, i do i give them 705 a month and half goes towards the electric, 200 hundred goes towards their little girl’s play house payment and the rest they spend on whatever the hell they want.
Sorry you had such a day, @cbbrown. Some people are just hard to get along with no matter what you do and it sounds like your partner’s parents are like that. All you can do is do your best and try to get along with everyone, which it sounds like you’re doing. Hope tomorrow goes better for you.
thanks @disciple, i try to do stuff to make them happy. nothing i do is good enough they just judge me and say i am lazy. they know nothing of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. i have tried to explain to them the symptoms of it but they see it all just as an excuse.
Stand up for yourself, If you pay the bill you should turn every gosh darn light on in that place if you want, and they need to sit down and shut up until you allow them to talk.
I’m afraid they’re only keeping you down so you don’t realize you have a say in how they treat you.
If you don’t learn to stand up for yourself, they will never respect you or make your life any better than they want it to be.
Very unfair for you, but you need to realize that bully’s feed off of people who listen to them, and they will never relinquish their power to others.
If you don’t stand up for yourself and demand they stop treating you so crappy, this will be as good as your life gets.
I agree. You have to politely stand up for yourself. I have been shyt on my whole life and I regret not saying something. They already mistreat you. What do you have to lose? Also, talking with your therapist may help you deal with it. He/she may also be able to help you come up with strategies to address it. Good luck.
my therapist said she won’t press the issue since she knows kay and i have a series of goals to reach before we move out. she has three more goals to complete before we can move.
- driver’s permit
- license
- file bankruptcy
her parents said if she completes the first two goals they will get her a vehicle.