I lasted 115 hours

I just took 1 mg Ativan. I went 115 hours without it. Im going to try to take it once a week from now on.


Why did you finally take it again?

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My uncle is coming over and I felt anxious.


Ok, I understand.

For me, anxiety can really feel like I’m about to lose it.

Do you get social anxiety when people come over? Or is it something else?

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Yes I do.

I’m scared of having a panic attack infront of my family and embarassing myself. Or even worse, have a panic attack infront of my uncle and him thinking i’m on drugs, then kicking me out.


So you suffer from panic attacks? So do I.

Have you done CBT for your panic disorder?

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When my psychiatrist (at the time) took me completely off Haldol for 4 months, she was impressed that I took almost none of the Benzos that she prescribed me for emergencies. I only took them very, very, occasionally, as I recall, when a relative told me to take them. I didn’t want to upset my relative, either. My relative showed her MD the bottle, in front of me, and said something like :“He thinks that could become addictive!” The doctor said something like “That is slow acting Ativan.” The relative said something like: Oh…

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Yeah I get panic attacks. They suck.

I’ve never done CBT for it.

I feel calm now. I guess its a positive that a low dose like 1 mg is enough to do the trick.


I also have 1 mg of Ativan available to me. I don’t like to take it, but sometimes it’s necessary

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I hear you. It really does a great job of calming me down. The possibility of physical dependence to it sucks though :-1:

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Good job, now do it again! :slight_smile:

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Im going to try to take it once a week.


Good to hear. You are on the right path. :shrimp::shrimp::shrimp:

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It’s been 104 hours since my last clonazapam. Nice to know I’m not the only one who counts.

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