I know which work i want to do


I’m 39, and I finally know what I want to do for work. I want to work in cybersecurity, maybe pentester. But I can do a bug bounty program from my home if it’s difficult to go out with the disease. Hopefully one day the disease will let me go out without fear. 10 years of schizo and it’s better now than 10 years ago, in 5 years maybe it will be good.

I will learn things by myself and maybe do a bachelor online in computer sciences next year.

Now I must work hard!


That’s great that you know what you want :slight_smile: That’s half the battle. And I think it’s a great idea for you since you like to stay home. Good luck on your endeavors!

I’m in the same boat. I think I’m going to go back into the field I left when I got sick.

There are problems with That idea though… I’m hoping to work through the issues in the next 6 months or so

Don’t stress yourself! Stress is #1 reason that schizophrenics fail at goals!

@LilyoftheValley thank you.

@anon99082702 Which field did you leave when you got sick ?

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Trucking. I drove the truck. All other jobs in the industry were too high stress for me, even before schiz onset.

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I was a teacher for two years 15 years ago. It was difficult, don’t want to do that again.

Yeah you’re right, don’t stress yourself !

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