I do the exact same thing. I am browing this forum right now (obviously since I’m typing out this comment, lol) and my TV is on the news. I do it constantly.
But I’m a news junky. I record a bunch of Sunday morning talk shows in the US and Canada and watch them through the day.It doesn’t upset me or affect my mental heath, I enjoy it.
I should add I watch news from both left, right and neutral sources so I get a variety of perspectives on the issues and don’t get trapped in a media bubble. Too many people stick to their side and are victims of confirmation bias.
I used to constantly obsess over news. Wasn’t very healthy since I could have been utilizing that time exercising for my health or working at a job for better income.
I’m normally a new junkie, but I’ve been burned out between COVID and the Ukraine. I’ve been heavily avoiding the news for the past month now. This is unusual for me, but I feel it’s necessary for my overall mental health. The negativity was becoming overwhelming.
I mean we have a social responsibility to care and pray about whats going on and ofcourse take financial and physical actions to help but, constantly watching the news cant be good for you. Especially with a mental illness. I feel like the news soemtimes purposely creates a sense of panic, being already anxious people idk sounds overwhelming. Im avoiding the news right now tbh
I decided to stop watching the news. There’s too much bad news going on and it’s bad for my mental health. I heard someone say once that if you watch and read the news you get death.
Yeah, I usually have either CNN on or DW News. I was crocheting for five hours yesterday and had the news on the entire time. I feel so terribly sorry for the Ukrainian people.
More and more as I age. Used to be I just read the NY times, no I watched it a bit during the Iraq war/Bush administration in my 20’s. But my memory is so awful it’s difficult to remember events clearly. Lately I’ve been listening to NPR, reading the paper (I live with my father and he gets several) listen to CNN on Alexa, jeeze I’ve been following a lot of news lately especially due to whats going on in Ukraine. I also watch local news with my folks now and then in the evening.
I don’t watch the news. Murders, wars, poverty, injustice, corruption. Basically a portrait of our World in conflict which I attribute to egoism. I really don’t let that into my peaceful world. I actually do not allow anything negative to enter. I live alone and isolated. I believe in positivism. something practiced by Rastafari population. Positive vibrations is what we got to give. I believe in that. In my experience the universe returns to you what you throw in it. Much like the phrase you find in several songs: What you give is what you get.