Gonna stay away from news and politics today

Today I’m not watching or reading any news or politics. I’m gonna see how it goes. I feel like ■■■■ today, but I think it’s cause I smoked cigarettes yesterday and this morning. Back to vaping. Has anyone had to step away from news and politics?


I don’t know what I’m gonna do. I watch a lot of current event stuff on YouTube. It’d be nice to not care about things as much and just live “my” life.

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I don’t watch the news anymore. I think you need to fill the void with something…


Right now I’m filling it with this forum lol. I’m gonna have to come up with something.

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I found it helpful to seek out news and current events online of my own accord instead of always allowing the algorithm’s to decide for me what to see and force feed me what it thinks will keep me glued to a screen all day.


I’ve been avoiding the news lately too. Too many stressful things going on.

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I am only following tech and culture news sites. But sometimes those sites have political news related. I try not to click beyond reading the headline.


Yeah I need to do more print if I want to see what’s going on. I slept most the day today. I didn’t sleep last night and started smoking again which I think is one reason I was feeling so shitty.


My tv is kaput, so I can’t get the national news, but I can stay fairly well informed from the internet.

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I feel like I can’t ever get away from the news. It’s on tiktok, Instagram, Reddit, YouTube everywhere.

I should prob just take a break from social media. But that’s hard.


Yeah it’s the same here. I was watching a science video on YouTube and the first comment was political.


I enforce a total news blackout in my home. I feel no need to subject myself to all the war, hate, murder etc etc that makes up “good” news. Bad for my mental health. Forget it. :face_vomiting:


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