I know, I know. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. But do you know?

Do you? Are you really getting a balanced meal with enough calories? A bowl of oatmeal or other cereal isn’t enough.

Recently I’ve been eating my dinner or lunch meal for breakfast and my energy has been increasing throughout the days. More protein, carbs, fat…I’m getting meat, grains and veggies and It’s starting to make me feel better.

Then in the evening if I get a little hungry, I can have a bowl of cereal with a banana or my oatmeal.


Thats like a full reversal lol, I try and eat something in the morning but a lot of the time i am not in the mood, its nearly 2.30pm and i havent eaten anything, its probably very bad for me :frowning: on the brightside i put on the mince for tonight :slight_smile:


Interesting. I heard Jordan Peterson (not that everything he says must be true) mention that eating a big meal first thing in the morning can cut your anxiety in half. How long have you been doing this? I usually eat just two slices of bread in the morning, I’m usually not hungry.


I don’t eat breakfast most days. Not hungry enough.


I like breakfast. But sometimes I make really weird things. Today’s was pizza bagel made on blueberry bagel.


I’ve just started doing this. Maybe a week. And it’s really striking the difference in energy during the day. My house is getting cleaner and cleaner. And my mood is more stable despite having a high stress situation going on right now. It’s not just an impression that I have more energy, I’m seeing evidence.


I very seldomly eat breakfast. Lunch is usually the first meal of the day.


I see. I have always been told, eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, dinner like a beggar. I been following that advice as of late and it holds true! (to me at least)


I used to eat oatmeal with eggs aside. Eggs is a really good breakfast! Also you can put real butter with your oatmeal. It tastes terrific!


I eat a lot of the time a beef hotdog for breakfast. I ate a piece of salmon and half a baked potato for dinner tonight. I’ve lost over 15 pounds and my blood pressure is normal, and last time I had my cholesterol checked it was very good, so I believe I’ll keep doing what works for me. Glad you have energy. That’s awesome news for you!


I only have a coffee for breakfast. Usually skip lunch too, then have a big dinner

I used to eat porridge for breakfast every day but lately this past month I’ve switched to coffee and a little bread/pancakes because my appetite is less and I’ve lost interest in making porridge still. Lunch I get a better appetite coming. Sometimes I eat oatmeal porridge for supper though.

I’m a fat ■■■■■ on a bicycle.

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