I know exactly how you feel ... no you don't

Sometimes when people, normies especially, try to sympathize with me and my MI, they compare their own situation with mine but fails and i feel even more miserable.

Next time i will answer:

“No, you don’t know nothing about my situation but i understand you are trying to bond with me and i will try to accept your effort.”

That’s better than aswering: “Please respect my world and listen, since i listen to you.”


I think I am among the schizophrenics who can hold their own with general society.
I use a general-purpose forum in Hebrew( that caters to regular people) and it appears that my level
of stamina is better than that of some people there.


I think everyone, normies or schizoes, should be careful when they try to compare their distress to each other, and try to listen (i dont mean in this forum because it works in another way i mean close IRL relations)

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Even my psychiatrist doesn’t know how I feel. He blames me for my negative symptoms. I tell him its the sz+meds and he just ignores me.


I still think it could be worded a little nicer because sometimes people are just trying to understand and be empathetic.


You are right, i will do that, i know it’s because ppl want to sympathize. Sometimes it’s just annoying.


I agree. It can be very frustrating. It’s just best to be kind or you’ll put them on the defensive and it’ll backfire


If someone told me I know exactly how you feel and they’ve never been psychotic ill say

But how can you know when you haven’t been psychotic?

Ill just question them.

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I’d get another pdoc if I were you, @Aziz.


Perhaps they mean that you expressed it so well that they now understand exactly how you feel! :wink:


Psychiatrists should be put on 900mg clozapine for 6 months before beginning to work.


People try understand, empathize, show sympathy. But there not in our shoes. So they will never understand how we feel or what go through in a daily basis. I appreciate there trying.


I appreciate attempts to show sympathy and I try to keep in mind that everyone does struggle, albeit in different ways. But I was frustrated by a coworker at my last job who’d brag about how “psychotic” he was when he was clearly just co-opting that term to seem “quirky”. Not quite the situation outlined in the opening post but it came to mind as I read through this thread.

That guy also said people only go to the mental hospital for attention. :woman_facepalming:


I stay away from those ppl, I left a friend bcz he was saying that I don’t need pills and that its all in my mind. He doesn’t believe that mental illness exists. He says praying to God will fix me without meds lmao


Dang. I’m glad you distanced yourself from that crap. I hate when an anti-psychiatry narrative is pushed on people who clearly benefit from meds.

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Well you can’t blame your psyk from thinking that since I have not seen a case where abilify cures negative symptoms thoroughly yet since all available ap have negligible effect on negatives according to research.

Maybe it’s the sedation that you are having trouble with and you should be looking into that instead

Not thoroughly but by a fair amount and he knows that pretty well, he kept pushing me into Abilify and Rexulti, he prescribed both and I refused not picking up my prescription. I guess the only way to know 100% is to try Vraylar.

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This is same with physical illnesses.

I have had people trying to compare their struggles to my degenerative disease. It frustrated me often but I would just say “thanks” :thinking:

Yeah…it sucks.


It’s hard for people to understand what we go through. They think it can “go away” or maybe be cured.

My mom just today said ‘are you taking vitamin c?’ I said no mom. Then she said that’s why your not doing well. Then says something like prayers do get answered and I’ll say yeah Ive been waiting 13 years now for it to go away lol and say I just gotta manage my symptoms.

Geee thanks mom :smile:. She means well she just worries and cares and that’s how it come out. I love my mom.

She just doesn’t understand and that’s okay.

If I wasn’t mentally ill I’d probably not understand either.


I’ve witnessed both ends… When I went to a psychiatrist for the first time and opened up about my psychosis to him he only said ‘wow, that must have been really tough’ and I felt he understood me very well, it was exactly what I needed to hear because I had been hiding my psychosis from everyone for over half a year. In a later episode, I had a friend sleeping over because I did not want to be alone and I had talkradio on to drown out the voices. The next morning he told me he now knew how I felt because he had trouble sleeping because of the voices from the radio. I thought to myself ‘yeah but no not really’ lol. He’s the best though.