What close people don't understand about our illness?

“When im paranoid - everyone seems about to hurt you, yes even you, mom.”. Your turn!


“no im not psychic” please stop with this ■■■■


No I’m not pretending I can’t work.


People don’t care if you’re psychotic or agitated or whatever if you’re acting rude or mean to them they get offended and they don’t have sympathy if they are feeling personally attacked.


Ironically, I’ve found, is that it’s up to us to play counsellor and make others feel better about us once they learn we have schizophrenia even though we are the ones with one of the most severe mental illnesses in psychiatry.


I completely agree with this.

When I’m ill I actually haven’t got anything wrong with,

I can’t just “Get over it.”

I do try to “Just ignore it.”

I can’t “Control it.”

Your suggestions don’t help!!!

Sorry not you all just… everyone else… :sweat:

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Just because I had a good day today doesn’t mean I won’t have a bad one tomorrow


Just because I sound good doesn’t mean I am good. Or that I’m cured. Or that I don’t need your support. I present as very “normal”, and can even be “upbeat” when I’m depressed for short periods of time. (Then I go home and crash.)


Also, not to derail the conversation but, does anyone else notice a look in close peoples’ eyes when you describe to them what you are going through?

It’s an uncomfortable looks of pity, disgust and revulsion? Like they are thinking “When can I go? I don’t want to hear this. Why are they saying these things?” Or is it just me?

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I can’t answer this – I assume they do the same thing. I assume it over the phone. Except I know my friends don’t feel that way about me. At least, I hope… see? It’s my paranoia!! I’m just going to choose to take my friends at their word, though.

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Well said! So true!


One person actually asked me, “Do you even feel anything?”
Me [on the outside]: “WHAT? YES!” [on the inside] “Like surprise, resentment and anger for starters…”
Person: “How do you keep from just losing it and killing people?”
Me [on the outside] “… that’s being a sociopath and that’s a different thing…” [on the inside] “With great restraint at the moment…”

That person is no longer in my life, by the way. Some people need to stop watching movies!

Sorry. I should stop. I’m getting flustered. Sorry.


I got scolded by a visitor to this site for “not having schizophrenia.”

I realize I’m mostly recovered but this site helps me stay that way. Also my meds :smiley:


I think I remember that, he did the same thing to me.


Some ppl stay rude no matter how nice you treat them.


Alright, last one and then I’m going to lay down for awhile. If you can’t guess, this topic weighs on me heavily. :cry:

The number one thing I have had to say to people is:
“No, I’m not making it up and no, I don’t know how to prove it to you! :sob:

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“I can’t do anything today. I want to but I just cant”

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My own brother, by his own admission, “just doesn’t get it”. He also hasn’t made any effort to find out about it. My only living relative.