I just can't do it anymore

I can’t fake being okay. I’m not. I’m so very far from ok. I’m trying to hang on. Not working well.

Have You Ever Tried to Put All of The Negative into a Box


Analyzing What Exists in Your Life That Has Remained Positive

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What’s going on?

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I’m beyond broke. My house is disastrous. I feel so sad and tired. Lots of other stuff. All hits at the same time

you are overwhelmed it sounds like

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I’m just so sick of life right now

All it Takes a a Patient First Step to Conquer The Worst

A Flight of Stairs That Can Be Defeated

With Belief in Yourself

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It sounds like it feels pretty bad, what’s going on with the kids? How are they?

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Can you get help from someone? Like your ex maybe ?

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Kids are good. They are with their dad right now until about 5 PM

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Possibly. I’m not sure

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I know you aren’t doing well, do you think you need to adjust you meds? I was really struggling with anxiety and my pdoc upped my cymbalta to 120 mgs and my anxiety when way down. I’m still having problems with other things but I do feel better overall. Sometimes meds are the answer.

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I see my pdoc tomorrow thankfully


are you taking any anti-depressant currently?

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I don’t have any advice. But I love you and I hope the doctor tomorrow is able to offer some help. I’m sorry you’re feeling so miserable right now. :heart:


Sometimes That is More Than Enough @LED (!!!)… . … :innocent:


I’m on zoloft. The dose isn’t very high so I thinking maybe it needs to be upped

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Thank you for the love

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On The Subject of Finances Someone Once Said,

‘Money is Not Everything, But it Makes a Difference’.

So You Are Not Alone, @FatMama,

Remember That (!!!)… . … :100:

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Well I would definitely ask to increase it, zoloft is an excellent med in the right amounts. Good luck at the pdoc tomorrow. I hope you get to feeling better. You’re such a sweet lady and it makes me sad to see you in pain.

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