I can’t fake being okay. I’m not. I’m so very far from ok. I’m trying to hang on. Not working well.
Have You Ever Tried to Put All of The Negative into a Box
Analyzing What Exists in Your Life That Has Remained Positive
What’s going on?
I’m beyond broke. My house is disastrous. I feel so sad and tired. Lots of other stuff. All hits at the same time
you are overwhelmed it sounds like
I’m just so sick of life right now
All it Takes a a Patient First Step to Conquer The Worst
A Flight of Stairs That Can Be Defeated
With Belief in Yourself
It sounds like it feels pretty bad, what’s going on with the kids? How are they?
Can you get help from someone? Like your ex maybe ?
Kids are good. They are with their dad right now until about 5 PM
Possibly. I’m not sure
I know you aren’t doing well, do you think you need to adjust you meds? I was really struggling with anxiety and my pdoc upped my cymbalta to 120 mgs and my anxiety when way down. I’m still having problems with other things but I do feel better overall. Sometimes meds are the answer.
I see my pdoc tomorrow thankfully
are you taking any anti-depressant currently?
I don’t have any advice. But I love you and I hope the doctor tomorrow is able to offer some help. I’m sorry you’re feeling so miserable right now.
Sometimes That is More Than Enough @LED (!!!)… . …
I’m on zoloft. The dose isn’t very high so I thinking maybe it needs to be upped
Thank you for the love
On The Subject of Finances Someone Once Said,
‘Money is Not Everything, But it Makes a Difference’.
So You Are Not Alone, @FatMama,
Remember That (!!!)… . …
Well I would definitely ask to increase it, zoloft is an excellent med in the right amounts. Good luck at the pdoc tomorrow. I hope you get to feeling better. You’re such a sweet lady and it makes me sad to see you in pain.