I don’t want to live.
We are in the same boat kiddo. Keep on fighting is all I can say.
Talk to your Dr about an antidepressant or a higher dose of one. I feel that way without one. But try to remember, it’s just a chemical imbalance in your brain and it is possible to feel better and want to live.
Do you take an anti depressant Erez?
you always say that living is wonderful and that you just survive and that’s enough for you. what happened?
I am not on antidepressants and I might have to quit my antipsychotic due to weight gain.
don’t quit brother…
Dear chess, please reconsider going on living. I have those thoughts too youve seen my posts. I gained weight on several meds in the past as well. If youre not happy with your meds tell your pdoc.
Im still sick with paranoia and anxiety. We would miss you dearly here.
I’m sorry you’re struggling. You always tell other people not to give up when they feel this way, because you love them. So it’s time for us to be there for you. Please live. You help people on here with your words of encouragement. We need you here to keep cheering people up when they feel depressed. You’re a good person and I love you. You do good, even if you don’t feel like you’re doing much.
I love you and would miss you dearly every day. Please don’t give up. Stay alive friend.
Love Tera
I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, @Chess24. Please stay strong; you’ve got this! We all love you dearly and are here for you 24/7. You’re a valuable forum member and your life is very precious. Things can get better for you.
I also want to say it’s very brave of you to ask for help when you need it. I tend to isolate myself when I’m feeling bad, and that just makes me feel even worse. It’s awesome that you know to reach out to your friends in times of need.
What @Ninjastar said - this!
I’m sorry you’re feeling this way, Erez. Perhaps you could try a weight neutral AP? Although I think there’s probably a lot more going on than being depressed about gaining weight. As others have said you should talk to your Pdoc and maybe consider an antidepressant.
I feel similar to you much of the time.
What’s bothering you the most?
Erez you need to stick around and hope for new treatments or cure.
I don’t want to live
@Moonwalker in the past 10 days there is a steep decline in the level of my physical energy.
I feel physically and mentally very poor.
I take olanzapine 10 mg plus supplements.
So I’m going to quit the supplements and see whether it helps.
The supplements are not specifically for schizophrenia.
@Chess24 please remember of your good times. You said so many times you want to live forever, right?