I hope you know... You're not alone

Just want to let anyone know, who is having a hard time. You’re not alone… Many of us are suffering and we should share the misery together.

Take care…


I hear you. Sometimes I think of ending it all just to go back in time and perhaps live my life before I get schizophrenia, but I wont. I’m not suicidal or depressed. I want to trudge through this and survive. I want to beat the odds and live a long life. I love myself too much.


I feel similar to you. I love myself and my parents but sometimes these days I do want to die. I fantasize about a release from the mental imbalance that makes me suffer. I dream of clarity of mind and peace of heart and soul. I just started on an anti depressant today.


I went through the stages of grief with my mental illness (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.) This may sound odd, but I have a feeling of gratefulness for what I went through in my recovery. I worked very hard to get my illness under control, but I couldn’t do it without my support system. Now, I look forward to the challenges ahead.


Just remember you are all being looked out for.
The man upstairs is in your favor.
Never be afraid.
You are all loved.


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