I heard television whisper my name

I just heard television whisper my name. Are they trying to send me messages

Tv says what I say or think everyday


Ignore that it isn’t real.


I had this TV communication problem in the past. I got messages from TV such as ‘you so low’, then they commented what I did such as ‘drinking cola’ and so on. This was before I started taking my meds. Many SZ people have this symptom.


Now my microwave is talking to me

Try using a bit of logic. And calmly ignore them, the more stressed you get - the more prominent they are going to get. Your not the first to say this, and you wont be the last.

Noise Cancelling Headphones mate? They do help. x

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It took for my voices to really make me believe that they were able to kill me for me to stop listening to them and stop thinking it was a spiritual experience and get medicated

Everyone has their own personal journey of recovery - and what may fit you, may not fit other people. Just like all the meds.

You have to grow some balls, to find your own way.


I’d turn the TV off. I’ve had a similar situation.

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The TV gives me messages too. I can tell you that this is a symptom of sz. Do you have any as needed medications you could try? If I get too worked up about anything, my symptoms get worse. Fact and reality testing like you are doing now can also be helpful.

If the tv gives you problem maybe take up reading or some other analogue activity.

When I was psychotic, anxiety made ii worse.

I heard a story about a woman who heard a quiet voice say “good morning” every day right when she woke up. That’s scary! I don’t know if the woman was mentally ill.

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