People in the tv

people in the tv looking at me watching me waiting
i see a new psych in feb …a women one
unsure if she will help me meant to go to a hearing voices group but i feel paranoid there because they kept asking question my voices didnt like that i stopped going went to an art group instead
not so paranoid there
people in the tv are planing on hurting me
no knifes here no tools cant fight them husband wants me to just ignore them
they can read your mind

I had to stop watching it pretty much altogether. If someone else was watching and I could hear it…headphones.
Meds help.
I hope you find relief soon.

yea i hardly use it my husband uses it more than me
He says i make no sense need to take meds soon but i think there placebos there not helping
psych do nothing about it

There is no way he could possibly understand what you are experiencing. I’d try to direct him to literature that explains these symptoms. Like I said, avoid it if possible because you sound very symptomatic and don’t need the stress.

I strongly recommend going to the Hearing Voices group. It will give you new perspective in many ways. People actually cope with voices that are on or off drugs or have labels or not for their experience. You will learn from others in the common experience you share. Highly recommend.

As far a TV or Radio talking to you or “looking” at you, my suggestion is to minimize television or radio as much as is possible so as not to become stressed. If you have people in your family or immediate surrounding that watch TV, tolerate those people they really don’t understand. Ear plugs are useful sometimes but don’t become reliant on them. Learn to ignore or cope with it. You can also bring up the topic in a Hearing Voices group, I am sure some will be able to relate and help.

Don’t isolate unless you really have to. Try to get involved in a NAMI Club house, talk to people and try to make it not all about yourself.


I know how you feel. I keep my TV off and unplugged from the wall. My computer, too. I rarely use them, ever.

The following psychotherapies work well for the beliefs that many sz pts have that support these kinds of experiences. Many (not all, but many) sz pts find that even just reading about these therapies helps them to detach or disconnect their minds from these experiences:

Schematherapy –
Learned Optimism –
Standard CBT –
10 StEP –

I’m sorry you’re having problems with the TV. I would bet that on some level you know it’s not true that the people in the TV are going to harm you. And that it is actually impossible.

Yeah, it’s not a good solution to isolate. Can you go on a walk with your husband or do something else to distract yourself, to get your mind off of the TV? I’m 54 and I have had paranoid schizophrenia 36 years. I’ve never heard voices though. I joined a support group about 5 months ago. Do I always like going? No, I do not. But I go anyway because even though I feel like staying home in my warm safe house, I know that if I force myself to go it will help. I know if I sit through the entire 1 1/2 hours it will be good for me and I will get a feeling of accomplishment and

I know that though an hour before leaving for my group, I still don’t feel like going, it will help me in the long run. My feelings tell me not to go and do just skip it, but intellectually I know I should go. If my intellectual side gets me to go it is well worth it.

But congratulations on attending the art group. At least you did something to help yourself so give yourself a big pat on the back for doing that. I’m paranoid all the time. I feel in danger where ever I go. But I go anyways and a lot of the time the groups, the market, or a drive downtown is not as bad as I made it out to be in my mind. The TV cannot hurt you. It’s just a box with electronics in it. I know it seems very real to you but the TV is harmless. Anyways, it’s the new year, I hope this year will give you moments of peace. Good luck.

I cant go to the group until next week as i have an appointment with my therapist at 1 pm and then at 3pm i have to see about getting new glasses
i thought the group was on a Wednesday i have my art group then and i want to go to my art group the voices group is on a Thursday i got mixed up …