They tell me im a demon and im going to hell. I think they are good spirits from heaven and they hate me. Ive said alot of bad stuff to them about god and jesus and now they say im a demon. I told them i dont believe in religion. I live with them everyday all day long. There are so many spirits new ones come and ask what the other ones are doing. There are always new spirits that come along. They always insult me every which way, they have beaten me down to nothing. I think how can good spirits be so bad, i dont know i guess they can. I take 4 mgs of risperdal, i dont even know if it helps cause i still hear them. Is it possible that they are really not real spirits and just something wrong with my brain…Id like to believe that thats what it is and maybe there is hope they arent real. Thanks for reading…
Try to apply some logic - and realise that its a symptom of Schizophrenia. Your giving your voices power, by stressing out about them. Your just feeding them. Simply tell them to F-off and ignore them.
You been on the risperadol long? Sometimes it can take a month or two - before the psychosis subsides.
And no - they are NOT real. Dont fall down the rabbit hole with 'em.
they’ve been following me around since I turned into a young adult,
they wont leave me alone.
Do they tell you that your going to hell?
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My voices say iam going to hell for being good to jesus so there probably lieing to you
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Hell is a bible term. The bible jesus died so noone has to go to hell. You should read the small prints. Jesus preached forgiveness.
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yah if you ask 223223