I do sometimes, but I never hear back from them. Curiouser and curiouser…
I used to try to tell people that i have bp and usually would be treated like a pariah afterwards. Sometimes chicks would be like, “I have mood swings, i think i might have bp too”. But if BP people get treated so badly, i cant imagine how horrible it must be telling people that you have sz.
I do tell everyone on my blog but rarely in person
No I dont. No point
I do. I think it’s because it’s an easy way to get people to leave me alone.
I told a girl I work with I had Schizophrenia, I’ve heard her tell someone else else I work with I have it. (I know 100% it wasn’t a hallucination I’ve been voices free for nearly a year now) I think she found it interesting. But she knew ■■■■ all about it, I explained a few symptoms. I think a real problem with it is that very few people are educated about it and feel estranged from someone who has a mental illness.
I did ask her once why she doesn’t make that much of an effort to talk to me, part of her response was that I had Schizophrenia.
I think your better off not telling people you have it. My closest friends do, they’ve known me for years. They get I used to hear voices or whatever and now I don’t. They’re cool. But a lot of people I work with are poser trendies. I’m alternative. They don’t like to relate to me because I don’t spend all my money on new clothes, let alone letting them know I’m schizophrenic.
Frankly its no ones business - I told my Employers about my bipolar diagnosis and they harassed and discriminated against me - its just not worth it
People can bully you over mental illness and unfortunately management tells you to go to HR but they are evil and passive and not to be trusted. I’m sorry you have experience this I have too and now I’m not working and poor .
I talk about it openly cause ■■■■ em the stupid ■■■■■.
Generally no!
If I do disclose for what ever reason. I just say I suffer from depression and anxiety.
I’ve still had some shocking ignorant replies from just that.
Depends on who they are. My friends - yes I do tell them.
Im open about having schizophrenia. I tell people generally. People receive it pretty well.
Bipolar_bear it’s not bad to tell you that they might be bipolar, too. You can’t imagine how hard it is to tell people you have sz, but still, it’s necessary to get it out of you.
It’s nothing to be ashamed of enough of that stigma.
They know I have mood swings related to manic depression but as for the schiz I have not had an ep in five years so i did not think it was relevant to tell my employers.
Nope, I’m too fearful of the reaction! I Suspect people know I’m not right, just don’t know the reason behind why I’m so odd! I’m alright with that though!
I agree. It’s absurd!!
I don’t tell people around me. I do tell professional people that I deal with like doctors and specialists and so on because I believe it can help with their diagnoses and treatment. My direct family knows and that is it. My psychiatrist said that if I don’t say anything to other people about my dx they won’t know. People can think that I’m strange but that’s okay with me. I’d rather deal with “strange” than stigma.
No because it indirectly cost me my job when I told someone who was upset because her son was diagnosed with schizophrenia so I opened up to her and said I have it too and I’m doing ok. I meant it as a way to encourage her that there is hope for her son but she told other people and they all started treating me bad, I got really stressed out by it. People I meet now can telling “off” so I just say I had a head injury (this is true too) and sometimes have trouble following conversations. In a casual setting people aren’t too judge mental about that so far.
It depends, some poeople ask me where I volunteer what my diagnosis is and I’m pretty open with them.
But when I go to a job interview and they ask the damn employee monitoring questions like ethnic origin and disability status my heart sinks as I tell them I’m disabled and suffer from psychosis.
I think it’s probably lost me at least 4 jobs so far, and sometimes stops you going on the books of job agency’s.
But I believe If they ask a direct question, they are entitled to a semi direct answer so I down play it to psychosis and hope they don’t assume psychotic killer.