So I got a letter saying that I have to apply for PIP as DLA is ending, so I filled in the form and they’ve sent me a letter saying I have to go for a face to face assessment. I have to travel 40 miles on a bus to get there, which is pure hell as I hate being in a confined space with strangers. My partner will come with me but I’m dreading it.
Does anybody know what actually happens in the assessment though? The idea of having to speak to a complete stranger is horrible, to say I’m nervous would be the understatement of the year. I’m just wondering if anyone else has been through this and what was it like? What can I expect? I’m absolutely s***ing myself about this. 40 miles on a bus to meet a complete stranger and talk about how screwed up I am just sounds like the worst day of my life
Found a video/recording of an assessment. It’s about as bad as I’d hoped it wouldn’t be, but at least I have an idea of what to expect now, which is definitely better than being unprepared and not knowing what to expect.
Thanks Turtle… DLA is Disability Living Allowance, but that’s now been phased out and and everyone has to reapply for the new benefit which is Personal Independence Payment. It’s a nightmare, had to fill out a 40 page form and now I have to go to this meeting which sounds like an even bigger nightmare
Hi Turquoise, I live in the UK and both me and my wife have changed from DLA to PIP last year, we both have physical disabilities and need people to help us do things, so we both got awarded the new PIP, but the PIP doesn’t seem to care much about people mental or health problems, which I think is terrible for those affected, it is just a way to save money for the government. At the assessment the person asks you the questions and you give the answer, they basically don’t care less how your mental illness makes you feel. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.
Hey Simon, thanks. This is something I’m worried about, that because scz is an ‘invisible’ disability, that they won’t understand how much it affects me and how big an impact it has on day to day life. All the questions seem to be about things that would be affected by a physical disability, but I’m worried they won’t take on board or understand how badly the mood swings, psychosis and anxiety affect my ability to live a ‘normal’ life. I’m so worried about this appt I actually feel sick. If you have any advice on how I can explain to them that I am physically able to function but it is the way I feel that stops me? I’m just really worried that because I am young (ish) and physically able that they will assume I am fit for work. Do they ask any questions about how mental health problems affect you? Do you think I will have a chance to explain how difficult ‘normal’ things are living with this illness? If I was found fit for work and taken off benefits I don’t know how I’d cope. So worried
Hey Simon, sorry I can’t give you my real name, waaay to paranoid lol, but if you have any advice on dealing with this assessment would be much appreciated.
Also telling me I’m going to lose all my benefit isn’t helping, I’m anxious to the point of nausea as it is… advice on how to deal with the interview would be more helpful.
Other people on here have gotten pip for a sz type diagnosis. I agree with you, Simon shouldn’t say you are going to lose all your money in such a flippant way.
Btw I am also due to apply for pip so I have a vested interest in this.
My interview is on thursday Jimbob, I’ll let you know how it goes. My biggest worry is that because I look healthy and am physically able that they’ll assume I’m fit for work. I listened to an interview on youtube and the vast majority of the questions seemed to be about things that a physical disability would cause difficulties with. I’m also worried because I’m so anxious that I won’t explain myself properly. I just want this over and done with now
Hi Turquoise, what you need to do is say that you are unable to go to the PIP assessment on Thursday because your mental health makes it difficult for you to go there and you need to have the assessment at home. If they think you can travel 40 miles on a bus they will think nothing is wrong with you.
I know what a PIP assessment is like, they mainly ask you things like, can you go to the toilet on own, or can you feed yourself, and what disability aids do you use.
I didn’t mean to be cruel when I said about losing your disability money, but you have to be careful what they ask you, the government doesn’t care about us and just wants to save money.
I am trying to help you get the money you need.
You didn’t say anything wrong Jimbob, but I didn’t want Turquoise to lose her money.
If I told her, “don’t worry, everything will be OK” it may have seemed a kinder reply but it wouldn’t have been helpful.
I am really happy to give anyone support and advice, when their DLA ends and they have to claim for PIP, because I now how difficult it is to live with a mental health disorder myself.
They wanted me to go to Vauxhall in London for mine… apt they can make you go to any centre that’s within 90mins drive, but don’t quote me on that!
I called up and changed the assessment centre that I was being assessed at, so it was easier to get to, but you can only rearrange your appointment location or time once!
I’m currently working on a mandatory reconsideration, as I got 0 points on all categories! I’m thinking about visiting the CAB to help if I need to appeal!