I have an idea

Like, in most people schizophrenia causes cognitive impairment( for me certainly).
For some reason I tend to gravitate toward the most difficult mathematical books that exist.
Maybe I need to try to work with more elementary books and perhaps it will go better,
considering my cognitive impairment.


The idea is nice but I can’t study alas.
I won’t give up trying though.

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How exactly does your impairment feel Erez?

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I can’t work with my brain at all.
Can’t read, can’t study, no nothing.

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That sucks. I’m lucky I don’t have terrible cognitive symptoms.

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that’s the best approach

I was never really good at math but I became a pilot anyway.

I always found little tricks to help me out. For example if you are flying at 25,000 feet triple the first two numbers and that’s when you should start to descend. So if air traffic control hasn’t given you a descent at 75 miles out and you are at 25,000 feet ask for one. This will be a comfortable descent and won’t alarm the passengers.

There is always a work around.



Happy Memorial Day, my friend.


I think that would make more sense. Also, people who learn and play music also seem to perform better at math, so learning an instrument would also likely be helpful to you. (I’m learning piano.)


I was telling my older brother today that if I get sick again, I should try math. I get delusions of reference really badly, so I might be able to do math if I can’t read, listen to music, or watch a movie.

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well fellows if you are able to do math so be it.
Good for you.
I am not able to .
I am capable of nothing.

I like mathematical research, that’s what I like, teaching I don’t like.
I like doing mathematical research or being a chess player.
Nobody will force me to do a job that I can’t or don’t want to do.
Second, easy mathematical books suck.
I am at the level of people who publish articles in Annals of Mathematics,
so I will go back to the hardest books.

Just an idea, try to multiply two five digit numbers in your mind (let’s say 34287 X 87352), when I lived in my auto in Miami I did these exercises, but not any more … just try, … would be fun.

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I should probably concentrate on chess.

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The idea then was that the best chess players in this world can multiply these numbers in their mind.

I need to change my health situation drastically to become a great chess player .
The way I am now I am just an OK player, and that’s fine by me.
Or in other words I want to play like Kasparov but I currently can’t so I do what I can.
Chess is the only thing that I can do something really, so at least I find a certain niche.

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Try this game I designed years ago, if you watch it closely, it has the star of David, your symbol …

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In chess you have always just two players, in my game there are three players and you may apply this to real world events such as political elections (the US president election for example), there was Trump and there was Clinton, but then there was the third player … Henry Kissinger may call this trianglism … or something.