Until an hour ago I thought that for any given math problem, that there was only one method to solving it. Seriously. That’s it. I got 90s in math. I’m pretty sure this means that I was given math problems for retards. Either that or I just happened to always solve math problems in the most logical way through memorization, never by actual problem solving, so even then I’m just a mindless monkey that can only solve a problem that’s exactly the same as past problems. This means I have to go all the way back to the basics, relearn everything. ■■■■■■■ god dammit. I’m so ■■■■■■■ stupid I can’t even believe this. This is what I’ve been scared of for years. I rather be crazy than this stupid, well now I’m both.
End rant. ■■■■.
It has nothing to do with your intelligence. I’m guessing you learned math before 2000. Back then, kids were taught that there was only one way to solve problems, and never learned alternative methods. It’s not your fault. That’s just how you were taught.
Kids now learn math in a more intuitive way.
No such luck, I was born in '97. Maybe it was because of my lack of formal education as a kid, I had to teach myself grade 6-9 math through books. Maybe because books only ever show one method to solve a problem I thought that it was also the only way? Then in highschool I did self study, so more books. Perhaps it is just a fundamental mistake that somehow went unnoticed until now. Idk what to think, I guess I’ll find out after I try and learn the proper way of doing math, see whether im capable of problem solving or not.
Rambling. Sorry. Thanks for replying.
You taught yourself math from books? That is amazing! Math is full of abstract concepts and confusing rules.
You’re only 21? But your voice and rap style is so mature!
cognitive impairment is present in some degree in most schizophrenics, do you have reason to believe you would fit into the minority who dont suffer?
cognitive impairment is also often present before people develop psychotic symptoms, so its possible you were suffering from cognitive symptoms as a child.
So I’ve had a few hours to go over some things. This is unexpected, but I’m actually finding maths more fun now that I know I can solve it any number of different ways. Before I would get almost every new kind of problem wrong and couldn’t figure it out. But this realization I had had changed my thinking. I’m actually getting new problems right the first time. Only difference is it takes more time and logic.
Still, it’s extremely odd that I went all this time thinking there’s only one way to solve a math problem. So I guess for now I’ll just conclude it was a stupid misunderstanding of a very fundamental idea of mathematics. Maybe I’m being a fool now thinking I’m not completely stupid, but it seems this will work out for the better.
Thanks for entertaining my jibberish.
You adapted to a completely new idea that quickly?! Okay, I’m calling it, guys. @anon99233869 is a genius.
The fact that you are able to say this makes you self aware. You’re not dumb or crazy. Seems like you see things clearly. Don’t beat yourself up.
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