I’m still young(under 21) and I haven’t been feeling the same for the past few months. I wake up every day feeling like a different person. I can’t help it either. I’ll have different preferences and emotions towards certain things and I’ll act different a lot. The reason I came here is because the personalities are similar. I also hear things that aren’t there, but it’s rare. I don’t want to assume anything because I don’t want my parents to freak out. If anyone can help or give me some advice that would be awesome.
I will allow you to post since you say you are hearing things that are not there.
This is a peer support forum for people with psychotic disorders however, so if it turns out you do not have such a disorder it may not end up being the place for you.
Welcome @azbo.gijo .
If you find yourself in need of help, just tag a moderator. Type the @ symbol, then our names
@anon4362788 , @Ninjastar , @Moonbeam, @rogueone, and @Bowens
Enjoy your stay with us!
sz isn’t split personality.
@Daze is right. Schizophrenia has nothing to do with MPD or DID(Dissociative identity disorder) as they call it now. The only symptom that you described that is likely to be related to schizophrenia in any way is your hearing things that aren’t there.
What kind of things do you hear?
Are there half decent mental health services where you are?
If so, I’d speak to your doctor
Maybe a first step is to talk with your parents.
Don’t necessarily have to tell them what the problem is if you don’t feel comfortable
You could just mention that you may need to see a doctor.
IDK. I had no site like this when I got dx’d.
The other option is to let it blow up, and then potentially your whole family will know.
Leaving mental health issues unchecked is usually not worth the risks
are you pro-med, or no med right now, @Joker
if you’re no med, why are you telling this person to see a doc?
@Joker gave good advice @Daze . Seeking out a doctor just in case is wise consul. Better to catch it early if it is Sz or a related disorder. If it’s not sz, consulting a doc doesn’t do any damage.
well, that’s obvious, but he quit meds,
last I heard. seems strange to give advice
you can’t even adhere to.
I am neither
But now I understand that if I don’t take them I meltdown
Lesser of two evils taking them
All I was doing was speaking from experience
Blowing up so everyone found out is what happened to me, and that was not pretty at all
I don’t want this person to have to deal with his/her own family looking down because they found out
Clearly this would be a problem if the OP can’t even say anything to parents
@Daze - if my posts have been off it might be because I am now on my 4th AP this year as they can’t find something effective
I wouldn’t worry about it unless you have anxiety and depression.
you don’t just take psych meds on occasion.
and parents are fu-ck-ed if they don’t support your mental health.
I realise that, hence why I don’t quit cold turkey anymore
They can’t find anything that works
Clozapine should have sorted me out, but the side effects were severe
Anyways, lets be supportive of the person posting by not de-railing.
This is not about my ‘credentials’, but rather whether we can help this person in a constructive way
side effects should go away after at least a month,
and in the meantime, doc or nurse should recommend something over the counter for that.
you keep taking, then quitting meds. why?
Alright, as @Joker mentioned, and as I was about to, this thread is getting derailed. This thread is not about @Joker , it’s about the OP.
well, all it’s gonna do is go down and out for good, this thread.
but yeah. whatever.
I suggest you speak to a qualified Dr about this, Our drs are trusted and trained to deal with these issues and if they think you may need extra help then they can refer you to the most relevant department.
When I was psychotic I thought I was different people from shows I used to watch at that time they had different personalities and ways of thinking one day I was this female character who was a general and the other I was a male character from the same show I adopted their names in my internal monologue as mine