Need advice/opinion

Not sure where to put this Hi all, ive never joined a place like this before, its 2 am and i just decided to do so because im at a really rough spot at the moment and need opinions help advice anything. Is it possible for a person to know they are developing schizophrenia? I have an immediate family history of it and seem to have a lot of the symptoms. When i speak to people, its very often disorienting because i am aware of the fact that time is constantly moving forwards, and it feels as though i am talking to many hundreds of copies of a person in succesion, which i basically am. Also, i find a great many coincidences in songs i hear, things strangers say, etc. And i perceive it as deliberate messages from god or something. I also constantly feel watched or listened to and find that everything feels like it has a magnetic field around it. I dont really feel emotions quite the same as i used to, and perceive them as strictly detached epiphenomenon. Sometimes i think i hear voices too, either 2 talking to each other or 1 to me. This seems classic, yet i am aware it could be sz (i hope thats the shorthand) dont sufferers normalIy not know when it develops? Pardon my ignorance im just very concerned.

If you are asking can someone have insight into mental illness, yes. If you are asking can you notice a deterioration in self, yes. If you are concerned you may have schizophrenia, I would recommend getting a professional opinion.

Hello and welcome.
I agree yes, to being aware that something isn’t right with the thinking, this I always knew, but at the same time, knew it was real too.
If your thinking bothers you a lot, and/or interferes with your daily life, then it’s time to let a professional hear your story.

A lot of people have insidious beginnings to the sickness. Weird things start happening but they won’t mention it because they’re self conscious…then things begin to spiral from there. See a professional right away just in case.


We can’t diagnose. That takes some skill and a good shrink.

Self diagnosis is rare but family history is another story.

Seek professional help. With any mental illness it’s all about function.

If your being affected by things then that is a warning sign.

A friend in the struggle,


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