How are people able to pull up months or years old threads when topics are supposed to “close 14 days after the last reply”? Is the forum not working how it is supposed to in all cases?
The threads in question were made before the “closing after a certain time” thing came in.
They probably changed a setting recently that automatically closes threads after 14 days.
That setting wasn’t set a long time ago on older threads, so those older threads can still be replied too.
That’s my guess anyways.
But I just saw one opened from May 20th of this year. They didn’t put that rule in that recently did they?
Maybe they did.IDK
Oh, I don’t know then.
I think the length of the closure times has been set differently for different categories. So the “lounge” is 14 days but other categories are 3 months or 6 months or whatever they are.
Ahh…I was just thinking why I didn’t see that message on my “meta” post here. That’s probably it.
Yeah, I don’t see any time limits on this thread either.
Yeah, I think you figured it out. Thanks!
You’re welcome!
For dxed categories, topics close after 3 months. For lounge, topics close after 14 days. For UB, topics close after 7 days. For med and news, topics never close unless OP requests it.
Thanks @Ninjastar !
No problem. It is based on the average time it would take for someone to say “this topic isn’t relevant anymore and i find it embarrassing.”
New user
Desperate need to validate delusional thinking
Search tool
Ye olde undead threades.
In a lot of other forums, the regulars will chew out new folks for creating new threads about a subject if there is an exiting thread.
“Omg learn to use the search feature”, etc.
Yeah. We know we are the weird ones in this respect.
I’ve heard people complain both ways on different forums. Some say contribute to existing threads while others say don’t revive zombie threads.
I don’t consider that weird. There are a few occasions when I’ve wanted to add to a thread but it’s been closed but it’s not really a big deal. You can create a new thread and link to the old one.
Different forums/people have different policies and opinions. I don’t think I have ever heard of anything where everyone agrees on it. Whatever you say someone out there thinks something different… Different forums having different policies is just an example of that.
I had to turn off my personal inbox because randos kept sending me messages, quoting a comment I made years ago about a med I was on back then, and they want to know all about the med and its side effects and EVERYTHING. But they would send me like 10 different messages, referencing different comments that I made forever ago. Nope, I can’t handle that. Stresses me out.
The cat thread used to close in something like 200,000 years, but I believe it was updated to something more reasonable like 200 years.