I hate myself

Yea i do. Ive been trying lately to not focus on myself. I feel pre disposed to self destruction because i still do stuff thats unhealthy just for temporary relief from self hatred. But i might not hate msyelf. I still exist.


Not today but maybe later. Iā€™m too tired to hate myself.

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Not to be the weird stalker but would it help to say i really value ur posts on here and have given me a lot of insight.

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I hate the thoughts. Not myself. I just canā€™t ever be normal again. I have never believed the voices, so I donā€™t act on them or the hallucinations. I am not a bad guy, I barely even go outside anymore. I just drink and talk to you guys, work on art, etc. :slight_smile: Really have no idea what triggers the voices or hallucinations, nor will I ever.

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No but I also hate some things I have done and wonder if others hate me for them.

But I try my best and know deep down I do that so I like myself.

I donā€™t hate myself. I like a lot of things about myself and would like to improve so much.

I decided to do what @GoldenRex told me some time ago. I tried it last night for a little bit and it will take some a long time but it is well worth it.

I will practice gratitude, I will practice positive affirmations, I will practice contentment.

Yesterday I tried before falling asleep to count my blessings and I fell asleep happily.

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I hate myself because I have schizo-affective disorder.

I donā€™t hate myself.
I used to hate schizophrenia and its treatment but Iā€™ve gotten well enough to come to terms with all that.

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