I hate airports

They make me so paranoid & all the people everywhere - it’s way too loud - makes the voices loud.


worst feeling ever

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I know what you mean. Plus with all the security, you probably ARE being watched.

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With me it depends on my frame of mind. I might stress out sometimes, but other times I might get into the feeling of anonimaty. Sorry about the spelling.

They’re the worst. Rushing around trying to drag all my stuff makes me deeply anxious, and that exacerbates my paranoia. Stress always sets me off like nothing else.

After traveling back home after a work trip and having my bags checked over and over again for drugs 8 times! that was hell why pick on me :confused: …i passed the check every time, thanks and is all started after being asked how to say my name as the woman could not say it! and watching them makes notes on my papers…the people every where, the noise and having to explain what all my meds are to some one super fun! for all! Airports are a place of stress and paranoia.

All the stuff they have done to make airports “safer” have no is just makes is worse for all the good travelers
Being made to sit in a office for hours as my id is checked as i could be a Russian drug runner, i was told that to my face! as i had my meds with me I no longer fly if possible, or fly with family is really needed like to fly to my sisters wedding

Best time in a airport was helping a older lady that was lost and the staff could only speck English, i over heard it all my Romania is not great but Russian is close so we talked ad got her to her next flight and set. Being escorted by homeland to get the lady to her flight was hell, is ended well!


Bus stations are worse to me. The people in bus stations seem to be a little seedier than the crowds at airports.

If I ever been to disco and pub, I would think those places are even worse. I have read news stories that drunkard killed another gang members simply because of eye contact(or staring).