I had a slight bit of delusional situation on the train yesterday

I was sitting on the train.

And I was reflecting on a few things.

About 5 times, I noticed strangers on the train making certain gestures that seemed to correlate with my pondering.

Ofcourse it could very well be an overactive looking out for coincidences after it happened the first time on the train.

But it’s the feeling.

One of the 5 times it was a guy who gave me a powerful look as to agree with my thought.

I noticed a sense of humour in my experience on the train yesterday.

I can deal with such experiences as long as they don’t spiral out of control. To a place of fear and ongoing traumatic memory.


@Zoe to me that sounds like mind games… but I don’t react to things of that matter, it could be that their rring to get a reaction, or be agreeable, or it could simply mean nothing.

That’s my take on what I read :sweat_smile: happens from time to time to me too lol

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Yeah keep stress low and on your meds and if it increases then you need to address it.

Train travel whilst not too bad out here really does suck because it’s with others. That you put things on the experience really is the realms of symptoms.

Hang in there and monitor it all. It’s still worthwhile sharing with your shrink if you have one. Not sure of your system over there!

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I have the same coincidences happened with me. Some are pleasant some are aggravating and tormenting and frustrating.

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Yea, the good ones are really good. The bad ones are usually also really bad.

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Thanks for your response, @Dudenotperfect.

Yea coincidences is a big thing in psychotic diseases, whether real or hallucinated :pig2::pig2::pig2:

Thanks for your response @rogueone.

Yes I’ve actually got an assessment on 29th April for some therapy I will bring it up there because I don’t actually have a psychiatrist

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I go through this all the time Zoe… It’s nothing. Your not the type of person to be targeted like me.

Your in the human category :heart:

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You’re human too.

Yea it doesn’t bother me, except if it’s a sign of worse to come.

I don’t think my stalkers see me as human…the dehumanization is on a more subtle register. I feel like the face of hate just changes with time…same ol cruelty different packaging.

But real talk Zoe… nobody want to hurt you :slightly_smiling_face:

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If they’re real stalkers I hope they leave you alone.

If it’s the psychosis, I hope you get some relief.

You deserve better…


Delusions of reference occur when an individual perceives innocuous events or mere coincidences and believes they hold strong personal significance. Essentially, it’s the notion that everything one observes in the world relates to their own destiny, often in a negative or hostile manner². Here are some key points:

  • Definition: Delusions of reference involve false convictions about events or stimuli that are not real or shared by others.
  • Psychiatric Context: These delusions are part of the diagnostic criteria for psychotic illnesses such as schizophrenia, delusional disorder, and bipolar disorder with mania. They can also be associated with certain personality disorders.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 15/04/2024
(1) Ideas and delusions of reference - Wikipedia. Ideas and delusions of reference - Wikipedia.
(2) What is Delusion and its causes and related conditions?. MSN.
(3) Ideas and Delusions of Reference in Bipolar Disorder - Verywell Mind. Ideas and Delusions of Reference in Bipolar Disorder.


This is like the main symptom of my illness. Without the delusions of reference I don’t have any other symptoms. Even my social issues and beliefs about through broadcasting are built on top of the delusions of reference.

I didn’t start thinking people could hear my thoughts until I thought they were reacting to them (delusions of reference) and my OCD about my thoughts is built on the thought broadcasting.

I wish I could just fix my wrong way of seeing :disappointed:


I’ve had the same feeling. I swear there are a lot of people with E.S.P. A woman in Russia wrote a book about root races, and says the next root race to evolve, will be australo-american in California, and they will have ESP.


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