I guess i'll be on Olanzapine for life

I’m going to start taking it again, 10 mg a night most likely. Maybe 5 mg at the lowest. I literally can’t sleep without it.

I have a virtual appointment with my doctor next week. Last time I talked to her she knew I was stopping Olanzapine. What if she refuses to put me back on it? Im worried. I need it for sleep. What do i do if she refuses? I’m gonna panic if she refuses.


What about a benzo for help?. I have the same issue with haldol and caplyta. 2 mg of Xanax knocks me out.


I rather take Olanzapine daily than a benzo daily.


I remember reading somewhere olanzapine changes something to do with sleep. So when you go off it you cant sleep.

I even had that when i went off ziprasidone. Couldnt sleep without seroquel for a few weeks

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Yeah. Wish i never started taking it. My brain doesnt know how to sleep without it.


I went off Zyprexa on December 24. At first it was okay, but my sleep quality decreased first, then the quantity. Last week i went to my doc cuz i didn’t sleep for 2 days straight and he gave me a benzo. Now I’m sleeping a little but the quality is poor and I’m exhausted. I can’t go back on the Zyprexa cuz the anticholinergic burden is too high. I literally feel nauseous from the crappy sleep and may go to immediate care tomorrow.


Im sorry your not feeling well. I wish it was easy to come off this drug but its clearly not. Its also expensive here and im not working at the moment. Im going to need to find a job soon.

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I doubt she’ll do that if you point out that you need it.


You’re probably right Speedy. Thanks. I feel better now.


I know this is a dumb question but did you try sleeping pills?

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I’ve never tried prescription sleeping pills. Kinda scared of them. I do have some over the counter Melatonin and Magnesium.

Bro…idk your situation but if coming off zyprexa is gonna actually make your life better…would otc sleeping pills help? I take them and they haven’t caused any real side effects…


I did the same and asked my doctor to switch me back on it.

A sleeping pill called zopiclone works as does valerian root extract.


I think your Dr will understand and let you take the Olanzapine.

I’ve heard of that happening to people before. Kinda scary.

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It is scary. Sleep is extremely important.

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I agree @TheCanuk . I just read that olanzapine needs to be tapered off very slowly so maybe that’s the key for you

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I wonder if that the same for Seroquel

Can you lower it slowly to see if tapering helps?

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You probably need to stay on at least 5mg to get any sleep, and stay on it for at least a month. From there you should taper no more than 0.66mg a month(a quart of a 2.5mg pill) But if sleep is insufficient over a longer period that is a red flag, and if so you need to climb on the dose until you get adequate sleep.

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There are many supplements you could try to help out with sleep in conjunction with tapering, but they are hit and miss based on each persons biology.

Melatonin, GABA, magnesium, valerian root, passion flower, hops, california poppy, vitamin b6, zink, chamomille, reishi mushroom, to mention some.

Many of them are ok to combine, except not too many herbs at the same time, and it’s important to introduce no more than one at a time in case of adverse or paradoxal effects.

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