I tell them to ■■■■ off.
Idk what else I could do?
I tell them to ■■■■ off.
Idk what else I could do?
What are you worrying about?
Premature ageing from regular swimming.
I found something that helps.
If I shout it,
Like this,
F u c k off!!!
Maybe you can ask ChatGTP?
I don’t know if swimming causes premature aging.
Chat gpt don’t know everything, but you’re right,
It could help.
I’m glad I was able to help!
I don’t understand. Swimming is good exercise and regular exercise is good for you at any age.
She’s worried about her skin aging from the chlorine @Moonbeam
The chlorine washes off when you take a post-swim shower.
This seems like a rather farfetched concern.TBH.
@Zoe I have noticed that you sometimes seem to try to convince yourself to not follow though on activities.that you enjoy or that are good for you. It’s almost like you are sabotaging yourself. This might be something worth discussing with a therapist.
There is chlorine in the tap water in the UK.
I feel quite confident it’s not as much as in a pool.
That’s because there is less pee in your drinking water.
Thank god for that haha.
When I was younger I went swimming and someone went poo in the pool
That’s quite… Disgusting. How did it affect u. Lol.
Technically it has been pee or some other non-descript fluid that is excreted by a human up to ten times before it gets to you
But I am just deducing that from the fact up to ten people have consumed the water you drink already
It made me smile
Lol okay :))
I suddenly remember the recycling scene from Waterworld…