I filed a disability claim

Not sure if I’ll get it though. I was denied before twice.


Third time could be a charm.

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I’m glad you’re not giving up @anon80629714.

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Did you get an attorney to help you?

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Not sure that its handled that way in the UK.:thinking::thinking:


My aunt who worked for 30+ years is legit disabled but she ended up having to get a lawyer. She has bipolar and back problems.

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I hope it comes through for you @anon80629714 . It’s nice to be able to survive with little stress. Money can be a big stressor in modern life!

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No attorney @LilyoftheValley I didn’t even appeal those two times I was denied.

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Good luck @anon80629714 hope you get it.

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Good luck @anon80629714! I hope you get it.

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You should be very clear in the paperwork that you have schizophrenia and a doctor to verify that. Also explain that you hear voices.

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I don’t hear voices nor have schizophrenia but I was honest on paperwork. When my dx was schizophrenia it still didn’t stop them denying my claim twice Still worth a shot. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Welcome to the forum @MaeOne :slightly_smiling_face:

How can SSDI justify denying someone that has DX of schizophrenia that is keeping all doctor appointments, actively seeking help and still suffering from delusions/depression/anxiety/paranoia?

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I am in the UK, rarely see a doctor (not out of choice, i keep getting discharged)…been denied twice before…

It’s by level of inability to function and work. If they think you can do any job at all, they will deny you.

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What jobs can be done by a person with suffering from delusions/depression/anxiety/paranoia? I’m not being sarcastic. I’m sincerely interested in which jobs they would recommend or think I should seek?

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I work in data entry… i find the job low stress so I am able to manage it ok so far…

That’s great! Do you go into an office or work from home with flex hours?

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Its flexible and i work in an office… if i had the choice to work from home id definately take it…