I felt great today. I wonder will there be a payback tomorrow

It’s like a bit of dopamine slipped through the net or something. I really felt good.

If every day was like this I’d be in remission lol.

But this kind of thing has happened before unfortunately and there always seems to be a payback. Like a hungover feeling the following day or something.


I’m glad you feel good. Hopefully you don’t pay for it tomorrow. :raccoon::raccoon::raccoon:


Sadly for every high there’s an equal low usually.
Hope you’re enjoying the good feels!!!
hope you don’t get the low

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I understand you, cause I feel ‘‘normal’’ for seconds… And it never lasts… But we have our chances I think. This illness is often in good and bad moments. The bad are really bad, I know…
Take care, me I cant stop thinking of my future like you too, its normal also…

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I’m glad you’re having a good day! I hope the memory of a good day stays close on the bad ones!

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