I had amazing motivation today

Was on a cleaning spree today including vacuuming carpets that had over a year’s worth of dust on them. Wow, this motivation is so nice I feel almost hypomanic but yet peaceful. Feel so normal! If only this could last but depression has its tendency to return.

All I can say is - make hay while the sun shines! :slight_smile: yippee!!!


Glad you’re in a good mood.

Glad you feel good. What is different that made you feel this way?

I dunno. I recovered from a relapse episode that lasted from Sept - Oct. Was in hospital that time. Since then it’s been getting better. Depression has lifted. I can wake up in morning and not feel this crushing feeling on my head. It just the episodic nature of my sza though

That’s good depression is exhausting

My pdoc always refers to me having a cyclical mood disorder. That really does capture the nature of it. The ups and downs come and go and come back again. Glad you’re on the up swing today. Hope this good mood lasts for you.

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Good job getting so much done! It can make a huge difference having a tidy space.

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sounds so inviting. i’d like to do the same in my house i.e. cleaning up.

right now i am taking a break in the middle of my physical exercise routine.

take a breather and then back to it for all of us!!!


Rooting for you, @Hadeda

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