Woke up feeling s**t. Dragged thru the day. Couldn’t do anything lost interest in my novel looking at TV but not paying much attention. Husband couldn’t understand why I feeling so bad.
Not actually feeling anything. Feel nothing. Like all the light gone out of me.
Last night I had another revelation about Alien. He either speaks to me or puts his thoughts in my head but sometimes he also communicates to me thru telepathy. Like it’s his thoughts in my head but still unformed and I already know them. Like a knowing.
Now this deadness. Was planning to take hubby to mosque and go shopping but instead he got his dad to take him and still no shopping done. And if I’m sick nothing gets done in this house. Today’s a mess. I don’t know how I’m going to make lunch. Just had some bread and it was tasteless.
I’m so f***ing dead. What on earth is going on with me? Guess I’m just having a bad day.
Amisulpride 200mg
Olanzapine 5mg
But that’s the dose I’ve been on for months and don’t always feel so dead. In fact when I stopped olanzapine I felt even more dead.
Hmm your doses aren’t high at all. Maybe you have sleep apnea, or other sleep issues and you wake up very tired sometimes?
Are you having intrusive thoughts today?
Some days just suck. I have days like that too. I think sometimes it’s simply something to be tolerated but if you can’t tolerate it try prayer/meditation, deep breathing, some stretching exercises, cup of tea, hot bath anything to try to change your head space to help you tolerate it. I don’t think there’s a reason to go messing with your meds just because your having a crappy day, And I’ll be thinking about you and hoping you feel better.
Can you go back to risperidone in the near future, see if that makes a difference? I remember it was your first med and it helped you a great deal, right?
We all have good and bad days. It sounds like yours are worse than most. It is good to find reasons for things, although mostly they are simply “our reasons” and have no relation to reality. You ought to talk with your husband and get him to help you a little.
I know how those dead days go. I try so much to have a routine, but I just feel like the day just drags out. I think this forum is a great place to read and share our days with one another as well as our therapists and doctors. Good luck with these “dead” days.