Sorry you’re going through that right now. During a break up I heard all sorts of things, “It’s better to have loved and lost than never loved at all,” “If it was really meant to be she’ll come back,” “Time heals all wounds.”
All I can say is that in time you’ll be alright. I know it’s not the greatest advice but you’ll get through it. All I can tell you is that a bunch of songs will remind you of your ex and the first year might have you remembering birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and such. The same might happen in some places you spent time together in.
Eventually, after enough time it’ll just be a memory of time you spent with someone in life. For me those memories are bittersweet but at times they make me smile. I don’t think about it too much anymore.
I don’t know all the particulars of your situation, so I don’t know what kind of advice to give you, but I have a feeling that you were too good for this guy. Maybe you should move on.
It’s been years since mine, and I’m not sure I’ve ever fully recovered from it. Not to say that I’m miserable about it every day – definitely not, and far from it. But it’s kind of there. Why am I telling you this? Just saying go easy on yourself. He will probably always occupy a place in your heart, and that is ok. You don’t have to be “over” him, as in, detach him from your life.
What can I say? I hate empty platitudes.
I also hate when I end a relationship and women tell me what an ■■■■■■■ the guy is/was. Um, no. I loved him.
The one platitude is that you will move on. It sucks, but you will.
He was a confident best kisser I’ve ever had. I’ve never experienced that before, sober. Yes I defo had a soft spot for him. The fact that he doesn’t respond has hurt me and affected my something, idk. Oh well. It was meant to end but this is such a tough way to end it,
I mean, yea he can disappear I won’t be responding again if he eventually responds. Plus I’ll change my number in Jan.
I’m sorry. You said you were on and off. Each breakup chipped away at him until he just let go and said and meant goodbye. I don’t think he doesn’t care. I think he does care but the breakups are too painful so he’s just calling it quits completely.
Don’t let this make you think you’re not “good enough”. You’re a perfectly awesome person, and if this guy is callous enough to just say “bye”, he doesn’t have enough strength of character to be worthy of you. Feel your pain, deal with it how you have to, in time things will move on. People here appreciate you. If you need help, yell, scream, cry, send up a flare. You’ll get somebody who can at least listen.
You see cos he didn’t respond, after my real sweet message I have no ■■■■■■■ clue what he’s thinking. It’s a serious mind ■■■■. I know he doesn’t have to respond especially when my penultimate message was please leave me alone, you stress me out bla bla… I have my reasons BTW…
I have a right to dislike him for not responding to me.
It’s just the pain of not knowing what the eff.
Anyway no I don’t wish him the best cos I don’t know how to.
But I do respect his freedom
I feel like such a hateful ■■■■■ someone help me how can I change the way I feel towards him