I feel old

Feel old as if life slipping me by. Anyone feel the same?


I’m 35 years old.

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i typically like you
scz steal 9.5 years from me
but i achieved despite my suffer
i graduated from university after i stayed 9 years in it :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:
i am 29.5 y old now

I’m 27 and feel this way frequently

Yeah schizophrenia has stolen nine years from me.


i was 20 years when i got symptoms :cry::cry:

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I was 26. Are you better now?

Yeah me feeling old started when 27

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i have wonderful topic about that
one year ago

most people say their symptoms are less
i hope you too
me too are less
thanks god

I’m 51 and feel like my life is fading more and more.


dont stop dreaming the founder of kfc he founded it while he was 62 :open_mouth::open_mouth::open_mouth:

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I just don’t feel old; I really am old. I still got some life in me, I got some left in the tank.


You’re not old until you start growing white hair.

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Lol my hair is completely grey

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I have no desire to do anything great other than raise my kids and I’m almost done that


you still gr8 in eyes of your children :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat:

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I’ve done a lot of things in my life but, nothing great.

Got married
Had a son
Got divorced
Graduated from nursing college with a BSN
Joined the US Air Force Nurse Corp. for 2 years
Worked in nursing for ten years
Immersed myself in lesbian lifestyle
Was confirmed
Grieved the loss of my son
Recorded and produced three original classical music albums
Wrote and self published my autobiography

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I’m interested in your music albums. What instruments and what works?

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@PinCushion, The instruments featured are piano and keyboard.
The albums: Dark Dusk, with Dana Andreasen on keyboard;
and Reflections, with Mark Kurtz on piano are the two best.

They are available in digital format on Amazon.com and on CDBaby.com

Were the artists friends of yours?

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