I feel empty

I wish there was no tomorrow. What is the point of living like this? I’m sad i have nothing to do and at the same time i don’t want to do anything. Weed exacerbates my positive symptoms, but at least it stops me from thinking about suicide for a few hours. I wish i had a hobby. Everyday is the same and I’m having a hard time putting words together to form a sentence.

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So sorry for you.
I don’t want to live as well, but feel that I have to continue.
I hope you get better one day.
I send you my love,

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Maybe talk to your doctor about an antidepressant? I’m on abilify and it seems to have an antidepressant effect.

I’ve been taking Escitalopram 20mg for quite a few months now with no difference.

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Find a purpose, whether it is writing, learning a musical instrument. Even a harmonica will do. Listen and copy the blues music, even badly. Do something. Run, walk crawl. Paint, draw even badly. Make a model airplane with glue. Make a working remote control car. Watch a movie. Read a book. Read a comic.

Take a walk for 20 minutes helps relieve depression.

What are you interested in? Explore. discover. take interest and develop yourself. Don’t give up, keep going, Everything is temporary and time passes as do emotions.

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Maybe you need to change antidepressant. It’s important you talk to your doctor. A psychotherapist may help as well.

Doing something that makes you feel better is important. Maybe go for a walk.

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I used to fill up that empty feeling by eating too much. I don’t know what made it pass but it did. :slight_smile:

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