Having a rough evening

The feelings of emptiness come in waves. I feel helpless and so tired.

I’m sorry to hear that. Can you do something nice for yourself? Like take a warm bath or eat food you like?


That’s all I do to feel better. Nothing seems to work sometimes.

I’m sorry you are feeling so empty. Do you have any hobbies that might cheer you up?

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I will eat something, take my meds and go to bed. I have been having thoughts of suicide lately. This has never happened before. Since my dad passed away I’ve been feeling down.

Maybe consider stopping the broccoli sprout extract. See if that turns things around.

I think it’s the clonazepam. It’s working in reducing my anxiety but it’s making me so down with grief.

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Sorry you feel bad, do you live alone now?

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No I live with my partner. Our relationship is not working out. I wanna leave but I don’t feel healthy enough.

Oh , sorry to hear, can be very lonely even with a partner if the connection is not there

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I’d still stop the broccoli sprout extract for a while. Just to see.

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I use to feel the same way and then I talked about what all bothered me and I felt less empty

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I will stop both the broccoli and the Clonazepam tomorrow.

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Don’t stop your meds without talking to your doctor first.
It’s natural to feel grief and depression after losing someone

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The Clonazepam is taken as needed. I’m noticing I feel so down when I take it. I’m not stopping my meds. I’ve been training since March and have not lost a pound even with a low calorie vegan diet. My hair looks terrible.

Hope things get better, I am sure you look great, you always do

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A lot of us struggle with weight. Don’t worry about that now; keep doing what you are doing to stay healthy. That is what really matters.

As for your grief, I agree with @Pikasaur that it is natural to feel this way after losing someone. Were you close to your dad? If so, the loss can be tremendous. If not, there is always the question of what might have been. Give yourself time.

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Thanks guys, I feel a little better.

I wish you well @mermaid1.
Yes clonazepam can make you feel down.

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I had a glass of Sangria yesterday with Clonazepam. I have to cut off alcohol :wine_glass: