I dropped off my diet :(

I gained back most of the weight I lost I’m back up to 198 lbs I’m wanting to get back on my diet and work out but I m so unmotivated it sucks… My motivation level is low… Idk what to do… I know I gotta get back to it but I’ve been finding it so hard and with the holidays here there are so many sweets around me and I just can’t seem to help myself… Maybe I should wait till the holidays are over or when I move out when I can 100% control what is around me… At least I know what works for me I guess?


Yeah it’s tough this time of year. Wait till you get through Xmas and get back into it. No point in stressing out over something you should be enjoying. Have a good Xmas and see how you go in the new year.


Yeah, it’s really hard around the holidays. Do you track calories? Even if you’re not restricting at all, just knowing what you’re eating and being able to look at it all listed out often helps.


@rogueone thanks
@LED I use to but have recently stopped

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I have given up at the moment, too. I was just eating cheese enchiladas with refried beans and guacamole. So good, but so bad. I am scared of gaining more weight, but I want to enjoy the holidays. This year for Christmas, we are eating healthier by doing fresh veggies and no stuffing. Sugar cookies will be tough to avoid, though. But my point is, I feel for you. I really do understand.

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i use coffee when i need a boost of energy. gets me moving. strong coffee though, like i use instant coffee and make it stronger. other than that the only thing i can recomend is to stay away from the bad stuff physically lol. far far away

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@Happy_H thanks for letting me know I’m not alone in this struggle.
@POET thanks for the advice… I’ve been drinking at least one cup of coffee at group to stay awake… Didn’t work so well yesterday but I only had one cup

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What helped me was eating what i like but keep a caloric deficit. Worked for me lost 50 lbs.

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@anon97970229 I was counting calories but I stopped that… How many calories would you allow yourself daily?

It all comes down to calories, every diet whether it be keto or low fat, has one thing in common it’s a low caloric deficit. So for me depending on how hungry I’m (real hunger) I eat around 1500 since I’m a guy, but I got used to it so I eat between 1800-2000 now a days, when I want to lose more weight I go back to eating a deficit. Now caution because if you are prone to vitamin deficits eat more nutrient dense foods, as for me I eat whatever I like but I feel better if I eat healthier. It all boils down on what works for you not only weight wise but mental too it all goes together, Ya know?

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Don’t give up @Twialine.
Just pick it back up after the Holidays.
It is difficult to diet during this time of the year.

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@anon97970229 I get ya I’ll try to start that again tomorrow I don’t feel that good today… Going to the doctor over it (I seem to have a gluten allergy of some kind)
@Wave thanks I’ll start tomorrow I’m not feeling so well (I seem to have a gluten allergy of some kind)


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