I don't think I still qualify for a PTSD diagnosis

I honestly feel I have made so much progress towards tackling my symptoms of PTSD that if requestioned I wouldn’t qualify for the diagnosis anymore. I struggled greatly with it for years but learning to accept it and then focus on healing and tackling symptoms has really made a world of difference for me. I no longer
-Have flashbacks
-Experience intense/irrational hyperarousal
-Have constant horrific nightmares of or related to things that happened
-Get sent into spirals when triggers come up, react strongly to triggers
-Deal with out of control/irrational anxiety

The ONLY issue I still have related to my PTSD is a strong sex aversion and fear/avoidance of relationships for this reason. And maybe I still feel somewhat corrupted and gross. (But I don’t loathe myself for it like I used to) That’s it. I just feel so proud of all the progress I have made and how much I have overcome. To anyone else with PTSD know it is NOT a death sentence!! You can heal and things CAN improve!!


What’s your tdoc say on the matter?

I haven’t brought up that I don’t feel I meet the diagnosis anymore but she has mentioned she has seen me make a lot of progress from when she first met me.

Why haven’t you brought it up to your tdoc?

Does sound like your working hard if the tdoc mentions you have being making a lot of progress. I hope you do pat yourself on your back for that.

Probably because I haven’t been dealing with the symptoms a lot so it hasn’t come up in therapy! Another good sign really. I will mention it next time and see what she thinks. Maybe I am worried she’ll say I still have it but I really think I’m better!!

Does it help to put a label on it?

Yes initially because it helped me understand what I had been dealing with and how to work on it. Now I feel I’m ready to be cleansed of the past I guess.

I’ve never understood the difference between the diagnosis, symptoms and traits. They can mean different things for different people. My dx awhile ago was Sza with my narcissistic personality disorder traits my main symptoms are depression and anxiety. Are you getting the picture?

Yes that is strange, and I can see how it’s confusing to not have your symptoms line up with your diagnosis. Have you ever got a second opinion?

Well yes. I only have a basic understanding of it all though. Having the communication skills to explain it to you is a problem also. The main point is you are going to have different symptoms other then what you are diagnosed with. Adding things like traits in there also confuse the issue also. Main thing the meds are helping as they do reduce symptoms. You mentioned you are in therapy which is awesome . Meds and therapy go hand in hand.

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this world is not fair. there’s no rhyme or reason to what happened to you or this illness. some people think the world wouldn’t be here if there weren’t meaning to it. i view life as something we helplessly experience. i’m not sure which is wiser.