Diagnosis confusion

Early on when I met my therapist she told me she believed my diagnosis was major depression with psychotic features and ptsd. However a year or so later when I did PHP and they asked for my diagnosis she said I just had major depression with psychotic features.

I’m wondering did she just forget about the initial ptsd diagnosis? What changed? Did I improve so much she dropped it? I don’t think she was mistaken so if she changed her mind and decided I didn’t have it at all that would be very confusing to me.

Has anyone else on here accepted a diagnosis and identified with it only to find out it had been changed and they didn’t necessarily agree with the change? It’s been bothering me for a while now because now I feel uneasy still saying I have ptsd even though I think it was dropped from my diagnosis despite me still having symptoms of it and identifying with it. (Though I have improved significantly)


A lot of times the diagnosis changes depending on what kind of symptoms we are presenting at the time, I think. If it bothers you, I would talk to her about it when you get a chance. Best wishes.


I guess that makes sense. I don’t really dissociate anymore like I used to and she mentioned I don’t have nightmares anymore. (Frequently, anyways) I also haven’t had a flashback in like 2 years now. So like I said I have improved a lot. But I still have areas I really need to work on related to it. Hm.


I don’t think it’s about diagnosis. I’ve been labeled and relabeled several times. I’m more worried about my symptoms and getting them under control. :slight_smile:


I don’t really assume my identity as my illness. So whatever I’m labeled it doesn’t really matter. Just want to be able to function


If it bothers you maybe you should talk to your therapist about it. My diagnosis has changed before. I didn’t worry about it too much, Maybe I should have. I should have been more involved in my therapy.

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It’s not so much about identity as it is validating my trauma. I was severely traumatized by what I went through and with the ptsd diagnosis removed it feels invalidating. But you’re right I shouldn’t worry about it so much because I know how I feel and I should be happy I’ve improved enough to have that label dropped anyhow.

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My understanding of PTSD is that it’s transient and so it can go away. Is it possible that to your current dr you aren’t showing anymore signs of PTSD?
I was diagnosed as schizoaffective but then diagnosed with bipolar disorder and I personally get upset when they tell me I have bipolar because I disagree. Im afraid that they will eventually take me off antipsychotics and even though I want them to,
I think they are wrong about my bipolar dx.

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I understand about the validation. That makes sense to me. I would mention it to her. On the other hand, congratulations on improving. That’s wonderful. I have had my Dx changed 3 times. The latest is delusional disorder. My only concern is to keep the psychosis and paranoia at bay no matter what label they put on it. My delusion won’t budge but the drugs help my psychosis and my paranoia. For me, it’s more about symptom control.

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