Although there’s been discussion of it there’s never been an actual diagnosis of it. Well today the clinician I saw said he officially wanted to diagnose me. I’m not sure why he did but he did. Maybe he wanted me to work on it more or get some validation on what I’ve already worked on. Maybe he just wanted me to know he knew I survived it. Because you know, I survived it. And for anyone struggling with past trauma I want you to know you can get through this. For me in the end it was about putting in down and that was ended the torture. That and my abuser died. That really helped a lot too.
I have PTSD.
My Dad loved us kids, but he had no idea what effect his behaviors had on us. I’ve had a much better relationship with him since he died.
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I’m sorry for what you went through @Leaf and @Jayster. My daughter has PTSD, and it’s no easy thing to deal with. It’s a sad, sad thing.
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I’m sorry @Jayster
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As if the mental hospitalizations weren’t traumatizing enough.
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Thank you @Happy_H I’m so sorry for your daughter, it’s not an easy road
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