I don't know how I feel about ever getting Intimate with Anyone because

friendship is ok =) but i have a hard time making friends because i’m so asocial these days…

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aww sorry to hear that. I am the same. I have pushed away the few friends that I have but I hope to call my friend from uni one day again and stuff.

I guess one day I will go to meet up groups and back to church to make friends and stuff.



i have a friendy from my days in the army and he keeps trying to call me but i don’t feel up to have a conversation over the phone and sometimes i feel sad for him… like he really wants to hear me and i’m being asocial =/

a couple days ago he tried to call me again and we texted for a bit then and he said he would email me soon as i said email is more easier for me right now.

I think it’s nice he keeps thinking about me…

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yeah that is so sweet I love it when things like that happen. I had a friend like that too, but she has sort of given up on it now because she moved away from my road anyways and stuff.

That would be cool if you too can keep in touch by email :slight_smile: it is still a valuable form of communication.

I have a similar situation, i basically just keep in touch with one guy from a mental health charity like evry now and then and it keeps me in touch with the outside world, Hhaha!


yea he was really nice in his text… said i’m a strong woman and that i will survive whatever comes at me… i thought it was nice.
I always liked him… had good times together with him in the army. But it’s hard for me these days… i feel so asocial and never know what to say when i’m talking with people.

that’s really nice =D. It’s hard staying in touch with the outside world huh. I watch the news every evening to be somewhat in touch with the world… because besides that i hardly ever go out and hardly ever talk with people so i’m cut off from the world =p

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aww youve got us LekkerHondje hehe.

but yeh, I understand…

That is so nice of him, and I’d like to believe it for you too :))

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yea i’m really glad i got you all here… it’s nice community. Makes me feel like i’m not alone in the world. because when i look around in my life people all seem so free from problems and then i feel alone… and then when i get on here i see there is more people with the same problems.


I love the format of the forum because it is so structured and facilitated, it is not just like we are in a room full of people…and just gotta talk!! lol

Anyways, take care :))

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For most of my 20’s I bounced from one girl to another, often trist with unavailable women. I didn’t want to be tied down.

I never wanted to marry, never thought I’d find someone who I could spend years with, but as I got older I found the desire start to shift from lust, to companionship.

Without really looking I found a person who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

It’s ok either way, but I’m happy with this kind of relationship.


I like the pun.

I have given up on relationships.

Which pun?,

I would like to get married one day… don’t see it happening though

I met a girl online a while ago. We talked for about a month on the phone, and all was going well. But then she started telling me she was falling in love with me, and we hadn’t even met yet.

I tried to explain my point of view, and ask her to slow down, but she wouldn’t have it

If I were a younger man, I might have still carried through. But things started getting estranged between us after that, and we just drifted apart

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I got lots of rejections in my early twenties and gave up for awhile. Just wasn’t worth the effort.

My only real success was in college. Then five years of not trying and then I got sick and lost 5 years to delusions and recovery.


I never want to get sexually or emotionally involved with anyone ever again. This last “relationship” put me through a real wringer. I don’t ever want to go through that again.

I am very happily alone today.

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I usually go mental living on my own. I lived about 2 years out of 51 years on my own. I need company all the time.


The last selfie was a few months ago. I’d be afraid to do one now.

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