I cant tell whether its a symptom of 'phrenia or the meds. I dont enjoy food, drinks, alcohol or video games. I just spend my days doing nothing and mindlessly watching youtube
Keep trying, persistence usually gives a result or two.
Is my only suggestion
I feel the same way. I don’t care if I ever leave the bed or my PJs anymore. It’s sad really.
I sleep around 14 hours a day
I have insomnia so I can’t really say I sleep a lot. I’ve just lost the desire for anything and everything.
Thats how I feel as well. Fortunately I can sleep alot. I wish I could do something
That’s a lot of sleep. Which AP are you on? Maybe you can switch to something more activating or take an activating AD.
Just some thoughts,
Id give anything for a solid 4 hours of sleep. I go to pdoc this Thursday she’s supposed to give me something.
Im on clozapine and some other meds. I take 12 pills a day.
I slept 16 hours a day on 200 mg clozapine.
I hate that drug in therapeutic doses. I just take 25 mg now for sleep (+Invega).
Personally, Wellbutrin helped to get some more joy in life and exercising.
What AD are you on? Do you get support to exercise?
I cant remember what AD Im on. Im so bad in these med names. I take 350mg of clozapine
4 hours isn’t very much, you’re getting less than that? How many hours do you sleep at night?
I would try Wellbutrin if I were you. Just ask your pdoc what he thinks about it for your case.
I usually sleep for almost 2 hours before waking up.
I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you can start getting some more sleep.
I have insomnia too, only falling asleep though. Once I eventually fall asleep, I usually sleep a long time.
I enjoy everything.
My negatives have gotten mild over time
I just tried to play video games and got bored in under 10 minutes. Now I do nothing again. Cant but love Schizophrenia
Hope you get help with your insomnia @Turtle44 .
I have insomnia too.
Only slept three hours last night.
I just want to sleep when I’m depressed too but i have insomnia.
Only thing I look forward to is eating and sleeping and drinking coffee.
Good i still have an appetite .
Hope you get some joy @Right .
That you will enjoy food and video games etc
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