@LilyoftheValley hey hey there => im tired of the blood tests and it was a kickass med tbh, prob the least side effects ive had. The pdoc said i can move to Sulipride so im fine with that. Just never had this problem of such bad insomnia from not being able to sleep. Ive cut it down to 12 mg of klaazapeene and cant get the ball rolling, wriggle for hours ! any suggestions my friend
@Om_Sadasiva Symptoms are good, i feel like im healed but who knows, i go through this shiit monthly. How you been man?
Can you try 10 mg of melatonin? My husband does that. He also takes inositol which is over the counter, and he eats garbanzo beans (aka chickpeas) at night because they have tryptophan in them just like turkey. It helps me husband sleep
I’m ok. I’m still being followed and recorded. But I’m quarantined with my husband so I haven’t had to leave the house which is nice. Today, I was trying to find the camera in my shower. I know it’s there. But the increased dose helps my anxiety a bit
@GoldenRex Rexy rex, homie. Holy shiit ya MOL died. Sorry to hear. She had that kidney problem right. You did loads for her though so know that. Yea covids been a nightmare all around hey but you a champ, take the time to chill and then get back into action. Im in Namibia, a different country in Africa. Got a crazy opportunity here so had to take it. Is all good though?
@anon18305065 Heya my SA friend. Hows ya been during lockdown. Cape town went nuts. @Hadeda hows it going with you? But yea Fellowman still building boats and still on it. gotta keep trying !! Hows it going your side though?
@anon18305065 my man. miss you guy. Yea i miss the garden route driving pass giving a good hoot. Miss you soldier
@GoldenRex Yea i remember she did. I remember you were doing so much for her. Stoked that things are getting better rexy rex. epic memories on this forum.