I dont belive in stem cell and crisper..i trust in finding out the biological causes of sz

Stem cell take 100 years along crisper…so u guys dont trust on stem cell…

Our only hope is finding out of genetic causes of sz…if scientist finds out them it will be near to cure…

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Why would it help to identify genetic causes if gene editing (CRISPR, etc) is going to take 100 years?

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The research from stem cell and crispr might help the research in finding genetic sz causes. And I think what twinklestars is saying is that what would be the point of having known the causes of sz without having a way to prevent/cure it with things like crispr. To which I agree. If all we do is look at what started it and we don’t know how to stop it, then we have wasted a lot of time and resources when we could have been looking for both causes and antidotes.

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Right. We already know multiple genetic factors. It hasn’t helped a lot with current treatments. Possibly it could help drug development by acting on some protiens that some of the genes code for. But a number of suspect genes are non-coding, meaning they don’t make protiens. So knowing about them isn’t going to do much good, if we don’t make use of gene editing.

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Hey sis i dont trust stem cell cause big pharmaceutical will allow this thing to happen cause they will be in great loss…so they will slower down the stem cell reasearch to 50 ot 100 Years. .

So its bad news for us.

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And then when they realize they could have lived forever by altering the way DNA replicates, they will hate themselves. Nobody in the pharmaceutical industry wants to slow down research or hold back cures unless they really are only saying against it because they want money from some third party with an alternative motive. But there is no third party that wants people to just have schizophrenia. The percentage of people with it is just too small for that.

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Hey arturo how long do u think stem cell will take to reach us .

No idea. I’m not particularly intelligent enough to know what’s going on in that kind of thing. And when it comes to predictions, I think statistics would be the best indicator of what is likely to come. But I don’t know of any statistics about stem cell or crispr. Although they do have stem cell therapies over here in the United States and I heard of someone getting their cancer cured through changing the DNA.

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I don’t agree with @anon1571434 and @twinklestars .
I think discovering the cause of schizophrenia will be a huge step towards a cure.
There are 2 steps:
Discovering the cause of schizophrenia,
and curing it by treating the cause.
And the first step is a huge step forward regardless of the second step.
Further @twinklestars , if a solution is found within 100 years, that would be wonderful news
for future generations.
The process can start now and end in 100 years.
As long as it takes.
The sooner, the better of course.


Erez i agree with u…!!! First find the causes of culprit gene …then there comes a cure…i think stanley center will reach to a target first then any other pharma …


CRISPR cas13 (RNA) and cas9 (DNA) have come such a long way I’d say in about 10 to 20 yrs the technology will be ready for human use. Stem cells is also moving really fast.

Both technologies will be widely used before we die of old age.

Now as to the cause of sz? Who knows when that mystery will be solved. Unless it has already been. Pruning being the culprit. But we still need some extra details.

I am looking at CBD at the moment. Although it may be just a fad.

And if love to see more research into Muscimol M1523.

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Whats that @GentleSoul … a new medicine…

Is it new cannabonoid…

GABAA receptor agonist.

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Is it in final phase… @GentleSoul

It isnt even in phase 1. It has only been studied in adolescent mice.

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U will get old searching for cure …

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I’ll die sick and lonely. Sadly.

I feel sad and helpless.

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