I lost an inch in my stomach. So that’s still progress.
Does skin get loose from weight loss? I have stretchmarks all over my body bcz I was 135lb b4 sz and then 295lb after. I dont know how to get rid of stretchmarks.
I think only plastic surgery can get rid of loose skin and stretch marks
Oh that sucks, I guess I will have them forever. I thought exercise would improve the skin maybe shrinking it a bit by reducing fat in it.
I wish! I’m hoping I don’t have a lot of loose skin after I lose all the weight
I now have a recumbent stationary bike, but I just used it 5min yesterday, no energy and no motivation
If you could go 5 minutes that’s still something. Try to make it to 5 minutes every day until you can make it to 6 and so on
Sometimes insurance will cover the loose skin being removed. I don’t know Canada’s policy on this.
That’s great.
2021 is gonna be my year for weight loss.
My new years resolution.
Idk how you manage on 1200kcal a day though. Below 2000 is way too hard for me.
I eat 1600-2000 calories on 4-5 days/week and I lost 24lb. Men need more calories than women. Try eating more fiber or add a fiber supplement as it makes you feel more full/less hungry. Protein bars also make me feel full instead of breakfast. Replacing breakfast with a protein bar was easier for me than skipping another meal. I feel less hungry after my coffee in the morning.
I eat a lot of low calorie protein which helps keep me full. Men shouldn’t go below 1500 calories per day. For women, it’s 1200.
Today I had two Cumberland sausages and mash in onion gravy, two kit kat chunkys, a chicken wrap, a grilled quarter pounder with cheese, one can of fanta and 6 twinkies. I think that’s probably 2500-3000 calories. I guess I could’ve avoided the twinkies and the kit kat.
As long as I don’t gain anymore weight I’m happy. I’ve been 100-108kg since September 2017.
I can maintain this size.
But when I resume weight lifting I’m hoping to get to 70-80kg.
I used to eat 4000 calories before. I replaced my sodas with diet 0 calories sodas. I went down from 131kg to 123kg but I seem to be stuck at 123kg as I cant exercise.
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