I did a genetic test and apparently

I am almost 30% Greek and South Italian!

What do you say now @Om_Sadasiva Ha! I am part of the malakas!!


Haha what kind of test?! How?

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It’s a genetic test that you order from MyHeritage. You swab your saliva and send the sample back to them. They analyze it to see your heritage.

My father is a Syriac. But I don’t know where the Greek part is coming from. I have to investigate it further. Perhaps we have some Greek relatives. But 30% is a lot. It must be a close relative.

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So it’s valid?
That’s nice.
I should do it too.
I’m curious.

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Yes! It’s valid. There is MyHeritage and 23andme. Those are the two most reputable genetic tests you can do. MyHeritage has a sale now. It costs 50€ to take the test.

It’s fun to see ones heritage!

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@Speedy @Om_Sadasiva
I used Ancestry DNA. I wonder if they’re connected to My Heritage.


Yes, forgot about ancestry. I don’t think they are connected.

What’s your heritage @LilyoftheValley??

I’m German, Swedish, French and a little Scottish


I live in Sweden but most of my heritage is from Finland.

It would be awesome to be part french or Scottish.

Where are you located at now? Where du you live if I may ask??

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I live in Michigan

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Have you been to Europe?

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No. I’ve never been to Europe

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You are half Syrian like me on my fathers side.
I’m also half Italian on my Mothers side.


Schlomo! That’s awesome. Didn’t know there were other syryoyo’s around here. Ha!


Both @Ninjastar and @Aziz have Syrian heritages as well


Ok! That’s awesome. The community here is great!

I wonder what happened to @Aziz. He hasn’t been around??

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Yeah dna test results can be interesting here is mine from my heritage


Screenshot 2022-10-30 at 01-32-22 DNA results - Gatty Family Site (23andMe) - MyHeritage

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