Update, health, tests, etc

I went to my gi doc yesterday. I’ve lost more weight. The pathology came back benign, and she’s going to talk to the head gi doc about additional surgery for polyps.

She’s ordered more tests… gastric emptying study, and upper gi with bowel follow through. She mentioned referring me to a gastroparesis specialist. She encouraged me to utilize the ER.

I’m going to have my first iron infusion today. Fun, fun, fun lol. :crazy_face:


Good luck @JustTrish !

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Thanks, Graditudeness!

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Cheers Trish, hope everything comes out well!

It’s good that they’re on top of things. Best of luck !

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Thanks, @everhopeful. I have hope.

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I know your pain.
So the exam came back benign, huh? Yeah…this happened to me a lot. I hope you get the answers that you need. This sounds like frustration to me as I was on this route for two years.

Have they done an exam which you eat food with radioactive dye and you wait couple hours to see if you have gastroparesis?

EDS community is extremely knowledgeable on this one so I am more than happy to help you out by asking the community.

If they cannot find anything, EDS often causes gastroparesis so seeing a geneticist will be worthwhile for this one. I am not a doctor but I resonate with your story.

Wishing you peace!

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The emptying test sounds horrible! I’m so sorry you have to go through all this. I really hope your drs figure this out quickly so they can actually help you.

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Good luck @JustTrish!

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They’re doing more tests so they can refer me to a gastroparesis specialist. They’re also looking at my esophagus for problems.

I asked the doc if she thinks it’s anything other than what we’ve talked about. She’s checking out the pancreas, too.

Thanks for checking up on me.

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Thanks @LilyoftheValley and @Schztuna
I’m dreading tests, but know they have to do them.


Well, good luck! I’m sure you’ll do fine :slight_smile:

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The tests coming back benign is a good thing! I’m happy to hear that. I don’t think you wanted to lose more weight though, did you? That isn’t so good.

Thanks for checking in with us. Keep us updated as your tests happen!

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Meow lady lol
The polyps were benign… the previous tests indicated gastroparesis and GERD. Before they refer me, I have to have the other couple of tests.

My weight is what it is. I’m doing my best.

I had my first iron infusion. Medically I’m okay
It sucked psychiatrically.

Thanks for the encouragement.

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Hi Trish. Hopefully some answers to your questions are coming. I’ll be thinking of you. Thanks for the update.


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Thanks, Skunkalish! I still have hope. Thanks for the encouragement.

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Thanks for your update. I was wondering how you were. You are getting answers but it is taking forever. :confused:

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Good luck! Hopefully they can find a way to help.

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@anon78876561 @anon4362788
Thanks for the kind words. I’m just ready to get to feeling better.

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