I can't take it anymore

i also felt this way, i realize life is precious. I think you going through a phase. Just appreciate your alive and healthy. Appreciate the simple things in life. Be more positive. I hope you feel better. I pray for you. and were here for you if you need support, your not alone.

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Alive but far from healthy. Hoping the doctor can figure out what is wrong with me.

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Yea, talk to your doctor. Dont worry your a not alone, where always here, if you need someone to talk you.

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Try not to look back as it is often a rabbit hole that can never filled. Live in the present fully. Do what you love, find what you love and do it. Think not of the future either. Think, today I will… and do it.

If you ruminate over the past it will bring you down. If you plan for the future too much you won’t realise now and it will steal your enjoyment.

Good luck!


I am big on this topic. I feel like maybe we’re evolving quickly into negotiating all the time and don’t say when we want something.

A powerful man said to me when I was younger and eating at his table and going for seconds : he said ‘I like [a man] who knows what he wants.’

It’s huge. I pose the q to my folks All The. Time.

Sadly in all the hot; heat of a ‘once and for all bloody battle’[my begging]: my dad wouldn’t utter he wanted me to stay… toward the end he did scrape up some angry cojones and told me they both don’t want to live with me anymore.

I said I wanted equality. I’ve said I want them to tell me it’s not my fault. They can’t oblige.

But the worst of it, and I think it’s the worst of man… is that they embarrass easily but can be vicious as hell too.

I guess that’s why I flashed them once. Chest pounding male scratching at something… showing them we’re all adults.


I have the happiness of someone who is gaining conviction.

Breaking away will no doubt efff my mind.

If it were anatomy and physiology I think the term is ‘avulsion’.

I will lose a pound of flesh from the rib cage. Worse it always has felt deliberate.

Maybe they are afraid I’ll reproduce. I feel like that just popped in there like I’m being guaranteed to be sterilized. Cause the prob is we know what can be counted; and we don’t know enough about what can not be counted.

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So it’s not any easier, male or female?
Seems parents make something common of the girl.

Wait… I’ve always liked you and your postings but you legit confused me there… can you try a different tack or repeat in another way

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Daze, my folks say they are a married couple. They say they are the parents. But we argue easy… and we raise voices… we speed things up… I may have some Oepidus Rex shiz too. Swimming around in my subconscious.

I one time drove cross country to see about a girl in winter. It was psychosis. Girl was special or quite different. She would allow me to think I had some type of hand, upper or otherwise by feigning anger when I wouldn’t approach her straight on. I thought that meant things. She was a psych major. She’s pretty.

The problem is she sort of… and it’s weird but she sort of is like a caricature of my mother’s face. Freud has my back on this.

can you dig it? I colored in why equality might have been taken the wrong way. Again I’m in a resting state or was, of always feeling a little frightened of them.

A grown person needs friends in their folks. They need to be able to have confidantes. They can’t expect things like that if they can’t argue and debate without making primal type faces at me(my dad).


Being overwhelmed can lead to you being sad and frustrated.

If you’re overwhelmed can you ask for some help? From family or other supports?


Sometimes control is important. A friend told me once if you feel like your life is out of control, or you have less control, you have more potential to get depressed.


Just go for things and try them. Even if you’re not passionate about it. You may at least find something that makes you calm or content.

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