Im socially inept. It drains all of my mental capacity to be around people i dont know extremely well. I just want to give up on trying but i cant. I think it could be a combination of causes for my trouble with it. I think i have really bad adhd. But it cant be treated properly because i have sza disorder and most meds for treating adhd are apparently too risky for people with a psychotic disorder. Has anyone else had really bad social anxiety and gotten over it?
It has gotten better for me. I used to live with my mom and she worked 24/7 so I saw very few people. Then I moved in with my dad and he makes more time for me. Hence, my communication/social skills improved. Then I started volunteering which resulted in a further improvement.
You have to take it step by step, but take initiative. This forum can also help.
Yeah i guess exposure therapy is a big help. Like what you are saying.
I have a similar problem don’t know whether its to do with learned helplessness, stockholm syndrome from being institutionalised, effects of ptsd, or autism, or just the meds. But i’m forcing myself to volunteer to try and get me out of the rut i’m in. Also i’m not sure if its a myth based on pop psychology but ive read some place that chewing gum helps with adhd and walking alot relieves some of the symptoms. A close family member has adhd. So i understand it must be really hard for you. So might sound like a stupid suggestion. To walk more. My brother surfs Alot. Don’t know if that might help you some kind of exercise. If your stimulating certain pathways in the brain maybe it has a benefit in other areas is all i’m saying. Apologies if slightly off topic.
I’m like that too, but what hinders me from socializing are the Negative Symptoms. I remember once at the beginning of my illness that I was with my cousin next door and I couldn’t think of what to say, my mind was barely working
I’m very much the same way. I’m 63 years old, and I’ve had a social phobia ever since I was 15. I’ve learned to live with it. I enjoy being alone. If you don’t want to do that talk to your pdoc about an anti anxiety drug. Maybe try DBT. I wish I could give you more. It took me a long time to get where I liked being alone.
@Nimbus i apreciate your reply. Yeah im thinking of starting up muay thai training soon. Maybe thatll help. Especially cause its not all about talking. I seem to do better in social situations where talking isnt the focus. And of course its always good for a weary sedentary schizophrenic to do more exercise.
And thanks guys for the input too.
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