Does anything help you with motivation and inability to socialize?

Hi everyone. I feel like my medication has done so much to help the voices and paranoia. However, I’m having the hardest time wanting to be around people, talking, having fun. I just can’t. I also don’t ever want to do anything. Nothing interests me and I don’t act like other people and do things other people do. Have any of you found anything to help this? Some things I’ve read that might help are: Cognitive therapy, exercise, anti-depressants. Have any of you had any of these help with this? I’ve never been very social, but I’m much worse lately. Thank you.


This sounds like a negative symptom: poir rapport. If you haven’t heard about it a new add on drug for negative symptoms called min-101 is in mid phase trials. Hopefully this medication can help us with our negative symptoms although I honestly doubt that it will survive phIII.


However, I’m having the hardest time wanting to be around people, talking, having fun. I just can’t. I also don’t ever want to do anything. Nothing interests me and I don’t act like other people and do things other people do.

This describes me perfectly. I haven’t found a solution unfortunately.


I’ve been the same for years, alone 99% of the time, have had no luck in being social. I do a bit online like here and do okay but in real life no social life. I do work and it forces me out of the house, so maybe something like volunteering for some organization of interest might help you.


The meds help with so-called positive symptoms ie hallucinations and delusions. But unfortunately they don’t help with negative symptoms, where you find it hard to motivate yourself, or get pleasure from things.

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I take anti-depressants which make me feel a little better, my mood. But I still find it hard to socialise.

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I just get out there and socialize anyhow. Gets easier over time with practice.


For me I just get out there and socialize anyhow… but it never gets easier with practice.

I’ve been doing it for 44 years and it hasn’t gotten any easier yet.

It can still be rewarding though.


I just read about it. Thanks for the info. Sounds pretty positive. Why is it you don’t think it will survive phase III? Is that usually where they hang up?

Those are good suggestions. Hard to do but I think you’re right. Thanks for your response.

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I’ve been wondering if anti-depressants work at all. Do you take Wellbutrin?

Good to know. Thank you.

I panic less before going out now and my recovery time has gone from weeks to days for large events and hours for small events. I can do things that would have hospitalized me 20 years ago.

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Its basically iti-007 with no effects on d2. Iti007 had only mild effects on negative symptoms so I think this one will be no better.

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motivation: having goals
inability to socialize: my girlfriend

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That’s a good point … my recovery time has gone from days to hours for events like family functions. Although I still panic just about as much before going.


No I’m taking cymbalta/duloxetine. I think they do help me a little, because one time I tried stopping them for a few months, and felt even worse than i normally do.

I exercise daily and had tried antidepressants for years but nothing helps.

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Good to know. I may try that. Thank you.

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The exact same thing happened to me after I began taking antipsychotics - they helped with the paranoia and the delusions, but they also took away my motivation and joy for life, so I know how you feel. I’m no clinician, but it’s probably your medication that’s causing it. Whenever I bring these symptoms up with my doctor, she blames it on the schizophrenia.:rolling_eyes: I don’t buy it thoughh, since my “negative symptoms” began after I started taking antipsychotics. If you’re lucky, your doctor might be compassionate and open to prescribing you a stimulant. Mine does. I have found that stimulants are the only thing that helps my anhedonia and lack of motivation. Another thing you might consider doing, as I did, is seeing an orthomolecular/functional/naturopathic doctor, who will work in conjunction with your psychiatrist, to see if he or she can address the psychosis using nutrients so that you need less of the antipsychotic. That’s what I’m currently doing and I’m hoping to eventually be able to decrease my antipsychotic or even replace it with the right nutrients. Anyways good luck.

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