I can't learn and other crying shames

I keep thinking life is shitty and terrible and depressing but every day so much positive stuff happens. I always forget that.


Mate. You do the best with what you’ve been given and you’ve lived a life that I’m surprised sometimes you survived! Yeah it’s totally important to enjoy life and that sz will make you negative and second guess you as you go through it for sure.

All’s I know is your a stand up dude and I’m glad your around! You brighten up this place with your posts and it’s very rare I go through a week without a chuckle at what you post! Don’t be too hard on yourself. That is the sz talking. You are a good dude!


It can be hard to remember the positive things sometimes. I don’t know why negativity seems to be stronger.


I am a food addict so often or maybe sometimes it can be hard to see the positive wen my mind is aching for more food.

Maybe with time it will ease down this thing of food on my mind.


You seem to be on the upside of things for the most part. And when ■■■■ gets weird, you have a positive attitude. Don’t let the small things get you down. You got a lot going for you. Keep smiling and giving the middle finger response to the losers who get in your way.:sunglasses:

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Thanks for the umpteenth time @rogueone, I really needed to hear that.


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